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[ecrea] CFP Media Management emma 2012

Mon Sep 26 07:49:59 GMT 2011

  What’s so special about media management?

/*The deadline for abstracts was 15 November 2011

/*The call can be downloded here:

Media management is not a new practice, but it is a relatively new field
of academic investigation and scholarship. It has roots in historic
traditions of media economics, and the study of media and of management
have even longer, deeper roots in respective disciplines. However, it is
nonetheless important to observe that the conjunction of the two aspects
comprising our field is comparatively new and that much of the work to
date has been derivative rather than specifically about the management
of media firms, and is often more descriptive than theory-oriented.The
2012 EMMA conference will take a step in contributing to the maturing of
our field as a mutual endeavour, focusing on the management of media
firms as an area deserving emphasis in empirical research, critical
scrutiny, and the development of theory.The panel of reviewers will give
consideration to all papers addressing the theme of the conference.
Special consideration will be given to international comparative studies
and papers that extend theory. Potential topics of particular relevance
would include:

  * What aspects of managing a media firm are little or no different
    from managing any enterprise?
  * What aspects are especially different, and why?
* How do the roles and functions of media make unique demands on managers?
  * Are the demands different in various sectors (e.g. TV versus radio
    versus newspapers versus online services, etc)?
  * Do requirements and expectations vary greatly across national or
    regional contexts?
  * What international trends (convergence, consolidation, recession,
    content management, etc) are especially important in signalling new
    areas for competence development among media managers, and which
  * What is being emphasized in the graduate level coursework and
    training among the various programmes EMMA members are offering?
    What do they have in common, what are the core assumptions, what are
    the differences that make a differences, and are there lessons to be
    learned that would be of general relevance?"
  * What currents in management theory are dominant in media management
    studies? Has their utility been adequately demonstrated?
  * What have the schools of management and media theory to say to one
    another? Is our engagement with these schools of thought
    sufficiently critical?

These aspects are illustrative rather than exhaustive. Papers treating
other dimensions of relevance to the conference theme are certainly

    Submission Requirements and Review of Papers

Submissions are invited in the form of an abstract (750-word maximum)
formatted according to the following guidelines:
First page of submission should include the manuscript title, author
names(s) and institutional affiliation(s), along with contact
information for each author.
Beginning on the second page, include: Title of paper and Keywords,
followed by the Abstract. The pages should be numbered.
To facilitate blind peer review for decisions about the Best Paper Prize
and publication in the International Journal of Media Management,
abstracts must: summarise paper contents, explain relevance to
conference theme, stipulate the theoretical grounding, outline
methodology employed if
relevant, demonstrate links to existing knowledge, outline contribution
to new knowledge of media management, clarify key findings and lessons
All submissions will be double blind reviewed by the Review Committee.
(Note: Papers selected by the Review Committee for submission to the
International Journal of Media Management may be additionally blind peer
reviewed by the Journal’s editorial board).

Please send your abstracts to:
Bjørn von Rimscha b.vonrimscha(at)
acknowledgement will be sent to you indicating that we have received
your abstract. If you do not receive your abstract confirmation email
please contact Bjørn von Rimscha

For questions requiring clarification of the Call please contact:
Gregory F. Lowe glowe(at)

      Important dates:

  * Deadline for the submission of abstracts 15 November 2011
  * Notification of acceptance 25 November 2011
  * Deadline for submission of full papers 15 January 2012*

* Only papers submitted by this date can be considered for the Best
Paper Prize.

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