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Tue Dec 06 19:49:20 GMT 2011
Bucharest, 18th - 19th May 2012
*Call for Papers
Traditionally, mass media is considered one of the factors that sustain
democracy, providing information to responsible citizens. Citizens'
agenda and the media's agenda should converge: media should monitor the
government, so that the citizens would know how to act to better their
lives and the lives of their loved ones.
Communication, Media and Civic Culture Conference will explore the
manner in which mass-media contributes to the development of responsive
and informed citizens and of civism and to the factors that nurture, or,
on the contrary, destroy the ability of mass-media to perform.
An influent theory concerning the creation and the functioning of the
public space belongs to Jurgen Habermas. His communicational theory was
developed in two different ways: a vulgata which circulated in certain
intellectual groups, that altered the initial position, and a
theoretical debate forum, that proposed several re-evaluations.
In the first place, the subtle analysis of Habermas has been reduced to
a few simple phrases: the public sphere is touched by an irreversible
deterioration process; people reduced their implication in the political
life; mass culture, especially in its television form is an
entertainment culture: it involves demagogy, the primary impulses and it
resigns from educating the critical spirit.
Nevertheless, the empirical research and the sound theoretical analysis
have invalidated such stereotypes. Within this theory the press occupies
an ambiguous and conflicting position because it functions
simultaneously both as the debate space as well as the alternative for
the canonical public space. As a debate space, mass-media provides the
arena where the ideas, as objects of the public debate, are circulated
and gain importance and the channel for the ideas to be sent. In
addition, mass media gives life, shapes and imposes multiple public
spaces, corresponding to the multiples communication devices and to the
multiple cultural and social identities.
Thus, media acts like a system which creates meanings and negotiates
different images of the world. Mass media has continuously enlarged its
thematic sphere, dealing with the most various political problems and
realities; it has modified the relationship between seriousness and
entertainment, introducing in the sphere of newsworthiness topics from
many spectacular fields of the politicians' everyday life. Thus, mass
media has radically changed the relationship between the public and the
private areas and it has created a global scrutiny (J.B. Thompson) by
which the least public aspects become objects of social visibility and
political debate.
The press takes part in the process of informing the citizens, even when
it transforms the political life into a sensational topic - this is the
trend of the most recent approaches of the phenomenon in the specialized
modern bibliography.
Media offers the support for the circulation of meanings by reflecting
or imposing on the agenda not only topics concerning the public debate
or daily facts, but also a way of relating to the daily events. Beyond
the informative pulse offered by the media and beyond the social agenda
where media interferes, the press offers the public a hierarchy of ways
to relate to the reality and implicitly, of defying reality. The
Internet, with the increased interactivity and increased ease to
circulate ideas, opens new opportunities and new issues for journalists,
citizens and politicians. As all other technologies, the Internet may be
used and misused; as it houses both media accountability tools and hate
Presentations based on empirical research and on sound theoretical
approaches are invited on topics such as:
Citizens' agenda, media's agenda and politicians' agenda
Media commercialization and the public space
Political pressures and media's democratic roles
Public relations and citizenship
Media accountability and online civic engagement, etc.
A special workshop on Media anthropology - new perspectives on media and
citizenship will be held as a part of this conference
*Conference's languages are English and French.*
Please send an extended abstract, of 700 to 1000 words, to the following
addresses: (mcoman53 /at/ yahoo.com) & (rraluca /at/ hotmail.com) by the 25th of
January, 2012.
The submissions should contain:
Name and surname, Academic and didactic title, Institutional affiliation
and Full contact details.
An abstract explaining the relevance to the conference theme, the links
to previous research, the methodology used, the results of the research
and the importance of the research.
Three to five keywords.
All submissions will be analyzed by the conference's scientific
committee. The notification of acceptance will be send by the 15th of
February, 2012.
Full papers should be sent by the 9th of April, 2012. Only papers
submitted by this date may be included on the conference's CD.
18th May 2012:
9.00 - 9.30 - registration
9.30 - 10.00 - conference opening
10.00 - 12.00 - papers in panels
12.00 - 13.00 - book launches
13.00 - 14.00 - lunch break
14.00 - 17.00 - papers in panels
19th May 2012:
9.30 - 11.30 - papers in panels
11.30 - 12.00 - coffee break
12.00 - The general assembly of the Romanian Association of Journalism
and Communication Educators (AFCOM)
14.00 - participants' departure
From 12.30 : Discover Bucharest - A guided trip in the Romanian capital
The participation fee is of 50 euro (or the equivalent in Romanian lei)
and includes the conference materials and the coffee and lunch breaks.
Within the possibilities, we will provide accommodation at the Academica
Guest House of the University of Bucharest.
Selected contributions will be published in the Romanian Journal of
Journalism and Communication (www.jurnalismsicomunicare.eu).
Please check www.fjsc.ro for conference's details.
Prof. Mihai COMAN, PhD, University of Bucharest
Assoc. Prof. Delia BALABAN, PhD, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca
Prof. Gheorghe CLITAN, PhD, West University, Timişoara
Prof. Laurenţiu ŞOITU, PhD, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Prof. Ştefan BRATOSIN, PhD Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Lecturer Raluca RADU, PhD, University of Bucharest
Lecturer Oana BĂLUŢĂ, PhD
Lecturer Antonio MOMOC, PhD
PhD Student Valentina GHERUNDA
PhD Student Valentina MARICA
Raluca RADU, PhD,
associate professor,
(rraluca /at/ hotmail.com)
Facultatea de Jurnalism şi Ştiinţele Comunicării, Universitatea din
Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies, University of
Bdul Iuliu Maniu 1-3, Corp A, etaj 6, sector 6, cod 061071, Bucureşti,
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