Archive for December 2010

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[ecrea] Call for papers - ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section Workshop in Portugal

Thu Dec 16 15:43:08 GMT 2010

*ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section Workshop*

*5th-6th May 2011*


*University of Beira Interior (Covilh=E3, Portugal)*




*=93The Dialogue Imperative. Trends and challenges in strategic and
organizational communication=94*

* *

In the contemporary marketplace, perceptions about corporations and their
products are framed by multiple sources of information. Shifts in media
access and consumption, the multiplication of marketing and corporate
messages along with the demand for more corporate responsibility have pushe=
strategic communication into a new paradigm. This workshop aims to analyse
how contemporary developments in strategic and organizational communication
theory contributes to understand how corporations struggle to continuously
cultivate and develop positive relationships within the organization and
with different publics. It intends to be an occasion to discuss new
tendencies in strategic and organizational communication by looking to
campaigns, instruments and messages that promote dialogue with different
publics, both in marketing communication and public relations level. Specia=
attention will be paid to a cross-disciplinary approach to the theme and to
a comparative methodology regarding different fields of expertise (internal
communication, crises communication, public affairs, press relations,
marketing communication, etc.) and new tools of corporate dialogue, in
particular, concerning digital and social media.

* *

*Call for Papers*

The workshop committee welcomes proposals within the general theme of =93*T=
Dialogue Imperative. Trends and challenges in strategic and organizational
communication*=94 and by following one of the 3 sub-themes:

1. The future of integrated communication campaigns

2. Crisis communication on the web

3. Interactive communication strategies

*Papers submission*

Please submit a 2-5 page summary of your paper in English as soon as
possible but no later than *February 15, 2011* to:(gisela.ubi /at/ All
submissions will be blind peer reviewed, so papers should be laid out in
correct academic style and authors should not be identified in
text. Notification of acceptance will be sent by *15 March* *2011.*

Your summary must include an Abstract, 5 keywords, Introduction, Discussion
and/or Conclusions, and list of References, as well as a brief description
of your hypotheses (if applicable), research objectives, methods, and

When submitting your abstract, include on a separate page the following
contact details: Title, Author(s) names, Affiliations, and Contact Details,
including: e-mail address, telephone, and postal address.

Papers format requirements: single-spaced; 12 point font; times new roman,
tables, figures and references excluded.

* *


All accepted papers will be published in an e-book, with ISBN, by UBI/LabCo=
editions (

Extended texts for publication should be sent in English by the end of *Jun=
* *2011*.

* *

*More information: *

The workshop will be host by the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the
University of Beira Interior and by the research center LabCom, located in
Covilh=E3, Portugal.

LabCom is the leading research center on online communication in
Portugal and hosts BOCC, the biggest online library on communication
sciences in Portuguese language.

Please visit our website in and

If you have any questions about paper submission or other matters please
contact the local coordinator: Gisela Gon=E7alves - (gisela.ubi /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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