CALL FOR PAPER 2009-II y 2010-I
Cuadernos de Información
Cuadernos de Informacion, a journal published by
the Faculty of Communications of the Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, invites
international scholars to submit articles dealing
with the different fields of communications and mass media research.
Cuadernos de Informacion is indexed in the
following databases: Latindex, Clase, Dialnet,
Doaj y Redalyc. Therefore, it aims at original
research. The journal?s readership consists
mainly of Latinamerican scholars, researchers,
communicators, related practitioners.
All articles undergo a blind peer review process.
In order to offer more time to our potential
authors to prepare articles, we have decided to
call for papers for two issues at once.
Issue 25 (Jul.-Dec. 2009). The deadline for contributions is Sept. 19th, 2009.
Issue 26 (Jan.-Jun. 2010). This will be a
specialissue about technology and innovation in
communications. The deadline for contributions is April. 16th, 2010.
? Articles must be written in Spanish, English or
Portuguese. Authors should submit their articles
as Word documents by e-mail to: <mailto:(cuadernos /at/>(cuadernos /at/
? Submissions must be original and may not be
under review at the same time in another journal.
? Articles must be 3.500?7.000 words long
(excluding abstract, footnotes, figures, and bibliographical references).
o Submissions must follow the guidelines
of the American Psychological Association (APA), 5th edition.
? Each article should include a n abstract of
80?120 words and up to five keywords.
? The reference section should appear at the end
of the article. It must include alland onlythe
references cited within the text.
? All articles will undergo a blind peer review
process. A minimum of two reviewers will
determine their publication in Cuadernos de
Información, whether in their original form or in a revised form.
? Upon acceptance, articles will be translated
to Spanish if the author prefer.
For more information about Cuadernos de
información, please see <>
Yours sincerely,
Maria Olga Delpiano
Editora Cuadernos de Informacion
<mailto:(molgadelpiano /at/>(molgadelpiano /at/
Gérard Loiseau, CERTOP/CNRS
(<mailto:(loiseau /at/>(loiseau /at/
Stéphanie Wojcik, Université Paris-Est, Céditec
(<mailto:(stephanie.wojcik /at/>(stephanie.wojcik /at/
Réseau de recherche "Démocratie électronique" /
Research network "Electronic Democracy"
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