Archive for July 2009

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[ecrea] CFP: IV Congress of CyberSociety

Mon Jul 27 20:31:46 GMT 2009

Call for Papers: IV Congress of CyberSociety

The Observatory for CyberSociety and CitiLab-Cornellà organized the IV
Congress of CyberSociety, a Living Congress that is taking place in
different phases, and whose period of discussion of online communication
will take place between 12 and 29 November 2009.

Check the requirements for submitting contributions. We invite you to
discover the different working groups and choose the ones you wish to send
your communication.

Until September 15 you can send your communications to the IV Congress of

Communications or "papers" are at the core of the Congress. Therefore, they
must be framed and appeal directly to the issues presented by any of the
Working Groups. The sending of communications has to be made exclusively
from the pages of the group you want to get. Do this by using the online
form of transmission that the organization has prepared for this, where the
communication should always try to appeal to the questions and
considerations of the Working Groups.
Besides other developments of this issue, we've included the possibility of
communication in different formats (text, audio, video or slide show).

Whom we address
Given the urgency and importance of the drawn approaches in the editorial
line, as well as the emerging fields of each of the Working Groups, we think
of joint ownership of both the industry and the Academy of Administration,
Business and Civil Society.

Therefore, we call on:
Researchers and teachers in the areas of social sciences, humanities and
technology to present their ideas, latest research and innovations.
Professionals from the Administration and private companies to present their
experiences, relevant and practical field.
Civil Society and "digital citizenship" to share their views, comments and
experiences about their involvement in the Knowledge Society.

Focus of the communications
The conference this year is structured around six broad themes, grouping
them in various working groups with specific themes:
Science and Research
The papers or communications of the Congress, must be framed and appeal
directly to the topic presented by one of the working groups that make up
these six areas of the congress.

How to submit
The sending of communications will be exclusively from the pages of each of
the Working Groups. You should always use the online form of transmission
that the organization has prepared for this.
Thus, communications are not accepted by email or by other means than the

When presented
While the active form of transmission of communications. Since that makes
the call for papers until September 15th, 2009 you can send your proposals
or paper communication to the Working Groups of the congress.

Cristianne Maria Famer Rocha

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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