Archive for July 2009

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[ecrea] call for papers -- BLOOD

Thu Jul 16 09:59:19 GMT 2009

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Trunk Volume Two: Blood

Call for Papers: Artworks, Photography, Fiction, Interviews, Poetry, Essays, Photo-essays, Recipes etc

Blood is a fluid, living tissue?a complex mix of platelets and plasma. Far more than a physical and chemical solution of red and white cells, haemoglobin and protein, blood is the most ubiquitous and profound symbol for the deepest of human concerns: life, death, love and sex.

We seek writing and visual materials that explore the fascinating cultural, medical, geographical, historical, religious and social aspects of this abundant bodily fluid. We seek accessible, curious, entertaining and stimulating work.

Submissions are due October 30, 2009

Download the submission guidelines and read a comprehensive list of suggested topics at
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Dr Meredith Jones

"Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either."
Marshall McLuhan

Graduate Courses in Interactive Multimedia
University of Technology, Sydney
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