Archive for July 2009

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[ecrea] Full Professor in Modern European Studies

Fri Jul 10 13:22:03 GMT 2009

Full Professor in Modern European Studies
The Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen invites applications for
a position as full professor in Modern European Studies. The position is
available from 1 January 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job content
The applicant is expected to participate in the European Research at the
University of Copenhagen Programme (EURECO) hosted by the Faculties of
Social Sciences, Humanities and Law. The aim of the Programme is to promote
and coordinates excellent research and educational initiatives relating to
European matters, see further information on

Qualification requirements
Candidates need to document research and teaching experience at the highest
international level within one or more of the key areas in European studies:
Modern European history, Modern European languages and literature, Modern
European ideas and culture, and European film and media culture. There is a
special interest in applicants with documented research and teaching
experience in Europe from 1900 to the present. The appointed professor will
be based both at the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES, and at the most relevant of one of the eight departments at
the Faculty of Humanities (see ).

Besides qualifications at the highest international level in research and
teaching, the applicant must have solid experience in organising and leading
research projects and networks, an active, international profile, and
documented experience in working in an interdisciplinary environment, within
the humanities or between the humanities and other research areas. In
addition, applicants must have experience with the supervision of
postgraduate students. On formal qualification requirements, please see

For further information about the post, please contact member of the EURECO
Steering Group and Director of the SAXO Institute, Prof. Ulf Hedetoft
((hedetoft /at/

It is an advantage that the successful applicant masters the Danish
language. If this is not the case, then he or she is expected to acquire
sufficient Danish language skills within a maximum of two years.

Please refer to Memorandum on the Job Structure for Academic Staff at
Universities 2007,

The documentation enclosed with the application must include a CV, details
of academic, teaching, research, administrative and any other relevant
qualifications, as well as previous employment.

A complete and numbered list of publications must also be enclosed,
stipulating which works the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration
- marked with an asterisk (*).Applicants must choose a maximum of 7
publications for assessment, of which minimum 5 must have been published
within the last 5 years prior to the expiry of the deadline for
applications. The publication date must be clearly marked on the list of
publications. These works must be submitted in triplicate.
Application and enclosures must be submitted in 4 copies, of which one must
be in loose leaf.
Only original materials/books submitted by applicants will be returned at
the end of the appointment process.
Details of the requisite information and material that must be submitted
along with application are obtainable on the Faculty website
Appointment procedure
Once the deadline for applications has been reached, the Dean will set up a=
expert assessment committee to consider the appointment concerned.
All applicants will be informed who is serving on the committee, and
individual applicants will be afforded the opportunity to comment on the
part of the assessment relating to themselves before an appointment is
Please refer to ministerial order no. 284 of 25 April 2008 on the
appointment of academic staff at universities:
Further information about the procedure is available from personnel officer
Helle Kofoed Sch=E6bel (telephone +45 35 32 86 75 or e-mail:
(hellesch /at/
Salary and employment terms
Remuneration and conditions of employment as per the current agreement
between the Ministry of Finance and the appropriate trade union.
Full professors receive an annual salary, currently Euro 73,000
(approximately) plus 17,1% of the salary paid to a pension scheme.
Additional bonuses may be negotiated on an individual basis. A special tax
scheme is offered to researchers recruited abroad, see
All interested applicants, irrespective of personal background, are
encouraged to apply.
Applications, quoting reference number 211-0317/09-4550, must be addressed
to the Dean and forwarded to the Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 80,
DK-2300, Copenhagen S, Denmark, on the 14th of September 2009 at 12:00 noon
Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into
consideration. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.

Ib Bondebjerg

New book: Media, Democracy and European Culture
Ib Bondebjerg, Professor
Deputy Chair of Department & Ph.d. Coordinator
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication,
University of Copenhagen, Southern Campus
Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
mail: (bonde /at/ *phone: +45 35328102 *Mobile: +45 60241164
Center for Modern European Studies (CEMES)

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Full Professor in Modern European Studies
The Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen invites application= s for a position as full professor in Modern European Studies. The position = is available from 1 January 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job content
The applicant is expected to participate in the European Research at the Un= iversity of Copenhagen Programme (EURECO) hosted by the Faculties of Social = Sciences, Humanities and Law. The aim of the Programme is to promote and coo= rdinates excellent research and educational initiatives relating to European= matters, see further information on<= /a>

Qualification requirements
Candidates need to document research and teaching experience at the highest= international level within one or more of the key areas in European studies= : Modern European history, Modern European languages and literature, Modern = European ideas and culture, and European film and media culture. There is a = special interest in applicants with documented research and teaching experie= nce in Europe from 1900 to the present. The appointed professor will be base= d both at the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES, an= d at the most relevant of one of the eight departments at the Faculty of Hum= anities (see <3D.htm> ).

Besides qualifications at the highest international level in research and t= eaching, the applicant must have solid experience in organising and leading = research projects and networks, an active, international profile, and docume= nted experience in working in an interdisciplinary environment, within the h= umanities or between the humanities and other research areas. In addition, a= pplicants must have experience with the supervision of postgraduate students= . On formal qualification requirements, please see = <3D.htm>http://www.human=

For further information about the post, please contact member of the EURECO= Steering Group and Director of the SAXO Institute, Prof. Ulf Hedetoft (<3D.htm>(hedetoft /at/ ).

It is an advantage that the successful applicant masters the Danish languag= e. If this is not the case, then he or she is expected to acquire sufficient= Danish language skills within a maximum of two years.

Please refer to Memorandum on the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Unive= rsities 2007, struktur_eng.pdf

The documentation enclosed with the application must include a CV, details = of academic, teaching, research, administrative and any other relevant quali= fications, as well as previous employment.

A complete and numbered list of publications must also be enclosed, stipula= ting which works the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration - marke= d with an asterisk (*).Applicants must choose a maximum of 7 publications fo= r assessment, of which minimum 5 must have been published within the last 5 = years prior to the expiry of the deadline for applications. The publication = date must be clearly marked on the list of publications. These works must be= submitted in triplicate.

Application and enclosures must be submitted in 4 copies, of which one must= be in loose leaf.

Only original materials/books submitted by applicants will be returned at t= he end of the appointment process.

Details of the requisite information and material that must be submitted al= ong with application are obtainable on the Faculty website www.humanities.ku= .dk/vacancies/

Appointment procedure
Once the deadline for applications has been reached, the Dean will set up a= n expert assessment committee to consider the appointment concerned.

All applicants will be informed who is serving on the committee, and indivi= dual applicants will be afforded the opportunity to comment on the part of t= he assessment relating to themselves before an appointment is announced.

Please refer to ministerial order no. 284 of 25 April 2008 on the appointme= nt of academic staff at universities: <3D.htm> 20%20english.pdf

Further information about the procedure is available from personnel officer= Helle Kofoed Schæbel (telephone +45 35 32 86 75 or e-mail: <3D.htm>(hellesch /at/

Salary and employment terms
Remuneration and conditions of employment as per the current agreement betw= een the Ministry of Finance and the appropriate trade union.

Full professors receive an annual salary, currently Euro 73,000 (approximat= ely) plus 17,1% of the salary paid to a pension scheme. Additional bonuses m= ay be negotiated on an individual basis. A special tax scheme is offered to = researchers recruited abroad, see

All interested applicants, irrespective of personal background, are encoura= ged to apply.

Applications, quoting reference number 211-0317/09-4550, must be addressed = to the Dean and forwarded to the Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 80, DK-230= 0, Copenhagen S, Denmark, on the 14th of September 2009 at 12:00 noon CET. Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into considerati= on. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.

Ib Bondebjerg

New book: Media, Democracy and European Cul= ture
Ib Bondebjerg, Professor
Deputy Chair of Department & Ph.d. Coordinator
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication,
University of Copenhagen, Southern Campus
Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
mail: <3D.htm>(bonde /at/ *phone: +45 35328102 *M= obile: +45 60241164
Center for Modern European Studies (CEMES)


Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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