Archive for July 2009

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[ecrea] Observatorio (OBS*) new issue now launched

Wed Jul 08 17:50:06 GMT 2009

From: "Pedro Pereira Neto" <(pedro.neto /at/>

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that Observatorio (OBS*) journal's latest issue
is now available.

Vol 3, No 2 (2009), including contributions from scholars from Portugal,
Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, Sweden, Czech Republic, Singapore, and
France, published in English, Spanish, French, Catalan and Portuguese, is
now available to any interested reader, free of charge ­ simply go to the
website [ ] and register.

OberCom, Observatory for the Media, is one of Portugalâ??s premier centres
on media research. Its peer-review journal, Observatorio(OBS*), is an
online, multimedia, open access, academic character publication. It is an
interdisciplinary e-journal which, although focused in communication, is
opened to the contributions of other subjects which claim themselves as
part of the Communication Studiesâ?? areas, from academia to the
business-related world.

Observatorio (OBS*) e-journal is a publication with international
character, which accepts and publishes texts written in Portuguese,
Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French and English.

OberCom also publishes a monthly Newsletter in English. You are welcome to
submit news of interest to the international research community to
(obercom /at/ .More information about the centre and its publications
is available at  .

We hope you will find this project of interest to your research activity
and that, in a near future, we will be able to count with you work among
the authors published at Observatorio (OBS*) journal.

Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha

Observatorio (OBS*)
Vol 3, No 2 (2009)
Table of Contents

Blogging the 2003 Iraq War: Challenging the Ideological Model of War and
Mainstream Journalism?
        Bart Cammaerts, Nico Carpentier

What is Public Service on the Internet?   Digital Challenges for Media
Policy in Europe
        Lars W Nord

Quality Press  and (or)  Economic Success? Commercialization of Press and
Key Dilemmas of Czech Newspaper Editors
        Jaromír Jaroslav Volek

France, Italy, Portugal and Spain: four differentiated models from
euromediterranean press
        Maria Guadalupe Aguado, Josep Sanmartí Roset,  Raúl Magallón Rosa

Strategies of transnational media corporations in the Spanish television
        David Fernández-Quijada

Mediapro against Sogecable: Football War and the Inefficient Spanish
Administration Regulation (2006-2008)
        Xavier Ginesta

Concepto y Taxonomía de la Industria de la Comunicación
Juan Pablo Artero, Francisco Pérez-Latre, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero

Why Some Wikis are More Credible than Others: Structural Attributes of
Collaborative Websites as Credibility Cues
Helen Nofrina, Vani Viswanathan, Thanomwong Poorisat, Benjamin H
Detenber,       Peiqi Chen

Can segmented publics foster a general public sphere in the EU? An example
from the consultation practices of the European Commission.
        Luis Bouza García

Community Media in European Union Communication Policies
        Núria Reguero Jiménez,        Julián Sanmartín Navarro

Enjeu et place de la communication en tourisme: lâ??innovation au c?ur de
la compétition internationale
        Arlette Bouzon

Análisis de Webhost Comerciales: Comercio Electrónico
        María del Rosario Fernández,  Lidia Moura

La práctica divulgativa en un Café Científico: un estudio de caso
etnográfico en Barcelona
        Cristina Aliagas Marin, Aliki Dragona

Los programas del corazón: nuevas políticas y alianzas entre productoras
y cadenas de Televisión
        Mª del Camino Gallego Santos


Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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