Archive for June 2009

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[ecrea] The 'Social' Media User: CALL FOR CHAPTERS

Sun Jun 28 09:38:09 GMT 2009


Edited Book by the Audience & Reception Studies Section of ECREA

-- DEADLINE EXTENDED: July 15, 2009 --

The 'Social' Media User

European Perspectives on Cultural and

Social Scientific Audience Research

Edited by Helena Bilandzic and Geoffroy Patriarche

There is a long tradition of research in both critical/cultural and social scientific paradigms in communication science that describes or explains (new) media use as a social activity. For example, audiences use newspapers to be able to talk about current topics, watch television to spend time with their families, or use ICTs to build relationships and form communities. The purpose of this book is to offer a state-of-the-art review of a variety of contemporary approaches to the 'social' media user. Submissions will be used to compose a proposal for an edited book that will be submitted to the ECREA book series in December 2009. If the proposal is supported by ECREA, the book will be published as an official ECREA publication and will receive wide attention by distribution to second year individual ECREA members, and to the coordinators of associated and institutional ECREA members..

The European landscape of audience research is very heterogeneous, including a broad variety of scientific perspectives ranging from interpretative approaches (that often root in humanities and follow a rather hermeneutic paradigm) to 'counting' and statistic-based approaches that try to follow the paradigm of natural sciences (e.g., media psychology). This book will help to further our understanding of the existing approaches towards the 'social' media user ­ their diversity, their strengths and weaknesses, their shared assumptions, but also their potential incompatibilities. By focusing on one specific topic, the book will manifest one of ECREA's basic principles, which is to emerge as an integrative platform for European media and communication scholars. Chapters should focus on one aspect of the 'social' media user and media use as a social activity - for example, subcultures, communities, parasocial relationships, actual and constructed audiences, social motives for media use, or interactions during media use. The book aims to provide an easy-to-understand systematic overview of different scientific perspectives; thus, chapters should elaborate the theoretical background in detail and give a systematic literature review on the chosen research field. As the book also aims at illuminating and comparing scientific paradigms in Audience studies, we ask authors to contextualize their approach in a general underlying scientific field or paradigm (e.g., cultural studies, reception research, sociology of ICTs, media psychology). A study representative of the theory and the field/paradigm should then be used to provide an example for the approach. Theory and paradigmatic issues should compose two thirds of the chapter, the exemp lary study one third. Authors should write their chapter in a simple and comprehensive style to provide the opportunity for a wide audience (media researchers from different paradigms, students, practitioners, interested public) to acquaint themselves with the basic logic of the perspective.

The selection process for contribution will be twofold:

1. Authors submit chapter proposals of approx. 200 words by July 15, 2009. Submissions will be reviewed by the editors according to the following criteria: (1) scientific quality of the chapter, (2) relevance and originality of the approach, (3) contribution to theory, (4) appropriateness of methodology and (5) appropriateness of chapter for the book. As part of the ECREA series, editors will also consider ECREA membership, diversity of countries and gender as well as presence of young scholars among authors as additional criteria for selection.

2. When selected at the first stage, authors will be invited to contribute full chapters to the book, pending the decision of the ECREA board to fund the book proposal. Full chapters will be needed in autumn 2010.


July 15, 2009 Deadline for chapter proposals (200 words)

September 15, 2009 Notice of acceptance to authors and invitation to revise chapter proposals

November 1, 2009 Deadline for revised chapter proposals

December 31, 2009 Submission for consideration to the ECREA book series

March 1, 2010 Notice of acceptance to authors and invitation to submit full chapters

October 1, 2010  Deadline for full chapters

Dr. Helena Bilandzic
University of Erfurt
Department for Media und Communication
Nordhaeuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt, Germany
Phone +49 (0)361 / 737-4182
Fax +49 (0)361 / 737-4179
E-mail: (helena.bilandzic /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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