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[ecrea] Fourth Annual Symposium - Global Internet Governance Academic Network

Wed Jun 24 11:54:42 GMT 2009

[See full CFP with details on themes at:]

Global Internet Governance Academic Network

Fourth Annual Symposium
14 November 2009
Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET) is a =20
scholarly community that promotes the development of
Internet Governance as a recognized, interdisciplinary field of study =20=

and facilitates informed dialogue on policy
issues and related matters between scholars and governments, =20
international organizations, the private sector and
civil society.
Since 2006, GigaNet has organized an Annual Symposium held jointly =20
with the United Nations Internet Governance
Forum (IGF) . Prior successful symposia in Greece (2006), Brazil =20
(2007) and India (2008) lead us to the Fourth
GigaNe t Symposium to be he ld in Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt, on November =20
14th, 2009 - one day before the IGF official
opening. Attending the GigaNet Annual Symposium is free of charge. =20
Attendees will be asked to register in advance.
This year, facilities for remote participation will be provided so =20
that those unable to physically attend can
present or observe.
Deadline for submissions: Interested scholars should submit abstracts =20=

of research papers by July 15, 2009. See
pages 3-4 for a more detailed description of the topics and themes =20
suitable for the program.

The Program Committee is pleased to announce this year's keynote =20

Ronald J. Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, "Beyond Denial: Introducing =20
the Next Generation of Internet Controls"

Deibert is Professor and Director of The Citizen Lab, Munk Centre for =20=

International Studies, University of Toronto,
Canada. Rohozinski is CEO at Psiphon Inc., Principal and CEO at The =20
SecDev Group, Ottawa, Canada.
Symposium Themes

1. What counts as Internet Governance?
2. Internet Governance, International Law and Multistakeholderism
3. Cyber-security and the Internet
4. New Approaches to Internet Governance and Social and Economic =20

Paper topics should be strictly related to global Internet =20
governance. Innovative approaches and/or emerging
research areas will be considered favorably during the evaluation =20
process. Submissions should follow these
- An abstract of 800-1000 words, in English, where it is mandatory to =20=

describe the main research goal(s) and the
methodological approach of the paper.
- For each author, a one page curriculum vitae focused on scholarly =20
publications and work in the field of Internet
Governance and related issues (for example ICTs), institutional =20
affiliations, and advanced degrees.

Submission material should be e-mailed directly to Raquel Gatto, =20
Chair of the GigaNet Program Committee, at
(raquelgatto /at/ until July 15. She will send a confirmation =20
that the material has been received. If no
confirmation is sent, please e-mail again.

Evaluation Process
The Program Committee members will evaluate the abstracts submitted =20
and decisions will be sent to applicants by
e-mail on August 15.  Accepted papers for oral presentations should =20
be followed by a full research paper that is
due to the Program Chair by October 1st. (It is possible that a paper =20=

may be recommended for poster presentation in
place of an oral presentation.)  Completed papers for either oral or =20
poster presentation are due to the Program
chair by October 1st. Full papers and po sters will be published on =20
the GigaNet website.

Financial Assistance
Two outstanding accepted papers may be awarded GigaNet Fellowships by =20=

the Internet Governance Project; this
fellowship includes a grant of up to US$ 2.000,00 to facilitate the =20
attendance of scholars who otherwise would not
be able to attend. Other financial assistance might be available for =20
accepted emerging scholars who would be unable
to attend without support. If available, information regarding =20
additional scholarship options will be available
following notification of acceptance.

GigaNet 2009 Symposium Program Committee

Raquel Gatto, Catholic University of S=E3o Paulo - PUC/SP, Brazil =
Lamees El Baghdady, Modern Sciences and Arts University, Egypt =20
(Symposium Coordinator)
Milton Mueller, Syracuse University, USA
Nanette Levinson, American University, USA
Konstantinos Komaitis, University of Strathclyde, UK
Ana Abreu, University of S=E3o Carlos - UFSCAR, Brazil
Olga Cavalli, ITBA, Argentina
Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada
Carolina Aguerre, Universidad San Andres, Argentina

Schedule Summary
July 15: abstract submission deadline (to be sent to: =20
(raquelgatto /at/
August 15: decisions notification of acceptance or rejection.
October 1st: submission deadline for complete papers.
November 14: Fourth Annual GigaNet Symposium.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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