Archive for June 2009

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[ecrea] special issue - young people

Mon Jun 22 19:34:03 GMT 2009

Special Issue of Sex Education: Investigating Young People's Sexual Cultures

As part of our British Academy funded project, 'Investigating young people's sexual cultures: an exploratory project with researchers, agencies and educators', 2009-2010, we are editing a special issue of Sex Education journal to be published in February 2011.

The project aims to examine ways of developing research on young people's sexual cultures within the context of a 'sexualized' and media-saturated culture. It aims to explore the theoretical, ethical and methodological issues at stake in this area of work in order to establish proposals and guidelines for future research and plan for well-informed, thoughtful and innovative research that will develop the field.

We are interested in articles on theoretical, disciplinary, institutional, methodological and ethical issues; on the knowledge gaps in understanding the ways that young people think, talk and learn about sex; on the broader context in which media literacy, sex education, citizenship and self-governance are emphasized; and on specific research projects and good practice in research into young people's sexual cultures.

We are looking for articles of 6,500 words including references. We would need first drafts by March 19, 2010 and finished articles by July 15, 2010.

If you are interested in contributing to the special issue please send us an abstract of 150 words with an accompanying biographical note of 100 words by July 28, 2009.

Feona Attwood, Sheffield Hallam University and Clarissa Smith, University of Sunderland

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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