Archive for June 2009

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[ecrea] Migration and divided societies - Ethnopolitics

Thu Jun 11 11:02:15 GMT 2009

Migration and divided societies - Ethnopolitics

Chris Gilligan, University of the West of Scotland
Susan Ball-Petsimeris, Universite de Paris 8

We would like to invite articles on the theme of migration and divided societies for publication in a forthcoming Special Issue of the journal Ethnopolitics. The Special Issue aims to critically examine the relationship between migration and social divisions which are conceptualised as 'ethnic' in popular discourse, academic writing or government policy. Papers are welcome that raise questions related to concepts and practices of migration and segregation along 'ethnic' lines.

Articles should be submitted via email to Chris Gilligan (University of the West of Scotland, UK) at: (chris.gilligan /at/ to arrive by Tues 27th October 2009.

For a fuller outline of the rationale for the Special Issue and a guide to the kinds of questions we would like to address and the kinds of topics that we would consider for publication, see below.

Thanks in advance for your consideration,

Chris Gilligan, University of the West of Scotland, UK
Susan Ball-Petsimeris, Universite de Paris 8, France

Migration and divided societies

The aim of the Special Issue is to examine the relationship between migration and social divisions which are characterised as 'ethnic' . It is now commonplace to hear that, largely due to migration, most contemporary societies are characterised by ethnic diversity. In these same societies, however, there are often significant levels of segregation along 'ethnic' lines. In political science the term 'divided society' refers to nations or regions, (such as Northern Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina), which are characterised by deep social cleavages based on ethnic difference. In this Special Issue, however, we use the term 'divided society' in a looser sense to refer to any state, region or locality which is characterise by significant levels of social divisions which are understood in ethnic terms.

We are particularly interested in articles which examine one or more of the following topics:

* conceptualising migration and ethnic division;

* experiences of immigrants of ethnic division and attempts at integration;

* responses of society (public, policy-makers, the mass media etc.. ) towards migrants and segregation/integration;

* causes of ethnic division;

* outward migration and segregation.

We are also particularly interested in articles which have a comparative dimension. These comparisons could be: across different migrant groups; across different historical periods; between different countries, or; between different regions or cities within one country.

We provide the following two themes by way of illustration, of the kinds of topics and questions that might be asked about migration and social division:

There has been a lot of focus on immigration and segregation. But what about emigration? Does emigration create, or entrench, social divisions in the country of emigration? There is some literature on this topic which examines the case of forced migrations which are generated through 'ethnic' conflict. This topic could, however, be developed further. Can, for example, segregation be reversed in post-conflict situations? What works and what does not work in attempting to reverse segregation? Are there other, less dramatic ways in which migration creates or entrenches 'ethnic' division? One area which has not been explored in any detail is the movement of indigenous populations away ('white flight') from areas where immigrants come to reside. What role, if any, do government policies play in promoting 'white flight'? To what extent is 'white flight' promoted by ethnic considerations (rather than, for example, class and upward social mobility)?

Immigrants to 'divided societies' find a society which is already characterised by a deep social cleavage based on ethnic difference. What does it mean to integrate in a society which is not itself integrated? How do immigrants 'fit in' to such a society? Do they 'take sides'? If so, what guides their choice? Do they attempt to create a 'third space' outside of the existing social division? If so, what barriers and opportunities do they encounter in doing so? These themes have been explored most extensively in relation to Israel. To what extent is the Israeli case unique?

NB: These themes are merely illustrative, they do not indicate that preference will be given to articles which tackle either of these themes. Our main criteria for inclusion will be; relevance to the overall theme, quality of scholarship and originality.

If you know anyone who you think would be interested please pass this message on to them.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
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