Archive for June 2009

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[ecrea] Call for abstracts/papers for International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Sept 3-5, 2009, Noida

Fri Jun 05 16:01:45 GMT 2009

International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Sept 3-5, 2009 at Noida, New Delhi

Registration Fees

The registration fees for the international/national delegates and students effective from June 1, 2009 given below:

Registration from 1-30th, June, 2009

250 USD or 120 GBP for foreign delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only) Rs. 3000/- for local Indian delegates (inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only)
Rs. 2000/-for students without boarding and lodging

Registration from 1-31st July, 2009

300 USD or 150 GBP for foreign delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only) Rs, 3500/- for local Indian delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only)
Rs. 2250/-for students without boarding and lodging.

Registration on or after 1st August, 2009

400 USD or 200 GBP for foreign delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only) Rs.4,000/-for local Indian delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only)
Rs. 2,500/-for students without boarding and lodging

Spot Registration during the Conference days Sept 3 to Sept 5, 2009.

450 USD or 250 GBP for foreign delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only) Rs.4, 200/-for local Indian delegates (Inclusive of boarding and lodging during conference days only)
Rs. 2,500/-for students without boarding and lodging .

Registration fee should be submitted through the Demand Draft/Pay order along with the <>registration form duly filled and sent to the following address.

Registration online is also possible through the operation of swift account.

Details for Swift banking:
Beneficiary's Name: IMS Noida, Address: A-8B IMS Campus, Sector - 62, Noida, INDIA Account number ? 114402000010050, Beneficiary Bank: CENTURIAN BANK OF PUNJJAB LIMITED Address: Sector - 16, Noida, INDIA Or PLEASE REMIT PROCEEDS TO HSBC BANK, 140 BROADWAY 11TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, USA or SWIFT-MRMDUS33 FOR FURTHER CREDIT TO CENTURION BANK OF PUNJAB LIMITED. (CTRNINBBDEN), USD A/C No. 000-05144-6, For Further Credit to A/C No. 114402000010050 of IMS Noida

The DDs or Payorders should be addressed to: The Institute of Management Studies, Noida 201303 NCR Goutambuddhanagar, India. The DDs or Pay orders should be sent on or before the closing date of Registration?July 30, 2009.

Submission of Abstracts/Full Papers

Submission of abstracts and full papers: Send the abstract/full papers to (cshnmurthy-seminar /at/ with cc to (dean_journalism /at/

All the abstracts are peer reviewed by the experts committee in the respective fields. Only abstracts accepted for presentation would be notified for submitting the final and full papers.

Last date for submission of Abstracts Extended up to: July 1,2009

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: Acceptance has been already sent to those who sent so far.

Deadlines for Registration: Early bird registration is over. See the new schedule in Registration fees.

Dead line for the submission of full papers: August 1, 2009.

Responsible for  organization of Conference:

Convenor: Prof.Dr.Devesh Kishore, Dean, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, IMS, Noida.

Registration and Details of Programme: Prof.Dr.N.K.Trikha. Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, SJMC, Noida.
(n.k.trikha /at/

Travel and  Accommodation: Prof.Dr.Vinita Gupta
(vinitagupta /at/

Submission of Abstracts/Full papers: Prof.Dr.CSHN Murthy, Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, SJMC, IMS Noida.
(Cshnmurthy-seminars /at/ with cc to (dean_journalism /at/

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

The SJMC Team of IMS, (Noida) UP India

Web Alerts and Web Sources
International Association for Media and Communication Research Announcements mailing list
(alerts /at/
(dean_jounalism /at/

Note: Please keep looking at the website for notifications/changes from time to time.

 Business website from : <>

©Copyright Institute of Management Studies

C.S.H.N.Murthy Ph.D
Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication
Institute of Management Studies
A-8B,Sector 62 Noida UP 201301 India

--- On Thu, 4/6/09, Nico Carpentier <(nico.carpentier /at/> wrote:

From: Nico Carpentier <(nico.carpentier /at/>
Subject: [ecrea] CFP Sexualities conference
To: (ecrea /at/
Date: Thursday, 4 June, 2009, 10:26 PM

> The third annual conference of the Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network (BSSN), takes place on Thursday 24th September 2009. The one-day conference is jointly hosted by Brighton and Sussex Universities and will be held this year at the University of Brighton. BSSN is an inter-university research network aimed at supporting researchers working on issues of sexualities within the universities of Brighton and Sussex, the wider Sussex area, and beyond.
> While not wishing to curb the diverse range of submissions we have received in previous years, this year the conference committee are particularly interested in research papers and panel proposals organised around the loose theme of sexualities research and activism.
> Proposals might wish to address any of the following questions:
> * Can academic sexualities research and sexual activism work together? * What are the implications for researchers who also identify as activists? > * How can we bring sexualities activism into the seminar room? * How can we bring sexualities activism into the seminar room? > * Do universities support or hinder activist work? * What are the challenges of researching activism from 'within'? Or from 'outside'?
> This list is by no means exhaustive and we encourage submissions that address a broad range of questions current within sexualities research.
> We welcome abstracts of app. 500 words for conventional papers (lasting 15 minutes) together with other critical interventions including posters, presentations, workshops and performances. Although the core of the event will be based on the work of researchers from the Sussex region, submissions from further afield are welcomed, and links to other research networks and areas actively encouraged. BSSN aims to bring together researchers from a range of disciplines and from a variety of academic and non-academic backgrounds. Therefore contributions should be designed with a diverse audience in mind.
> Please submit 500-word paper and poster abstracts, and full details of workshops and discussions to < /at/>(bssn /at/ by Friday 17th July 2009
> Acceptance details will be distributed by Friday 24th July, 2009
> Dr Kate O'Riordan
> c/o Center for Cultural Studies
> 118 Kerr Hall
> University of California
> Santa Cruz,
> CA 95064
> TEL (831) 459-5656
> FAX (831) 459-1349
> <>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
Web: <>
E-mail: < /at/>(Nico.Carpentier /at/ Web: <>
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ECREA - European Communication Research and Education Association
Postal address:
Université Libre de Bruxelles
c/o Dept. of Information and Communication Sciences
CP123, avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, b-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Email: < /at/>(info /at/
URL: <>

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Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
ECREA-Mailing list
This mailing list is a free service from ECREA.
To unsubscribe, please visit
ECREA - European Communication Research and Education Association
Postal address:
Université Libre de Bruxelles
c/o Dept. of Information and Communication Sciences
CP123, avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, b-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Email: (info /at/

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