Archive for December 2008

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[ecrea] European Media Policy 3-2008

Mon Dec 15 15:09:39 GMT 2008

Welcome to European Media Policy, a newsletter from NORDICOM providing an up-date on policy developments at the European level.

The No. 3, 2008 issue gives an overview of some main media events.

* In 2008 much discussion has focused on copyright-related issues, such as illegal downloading and how to fight piracy, often stirring calls for protection of privacy and civil liberties. How to make the Internet safer for children and the effects on freedom of speech of measures to fight terrorism have been other concerns.

* The plethora of new web-based services currently being developed by public service broadcasters has also been a topic of discussion. Should public broadcasters be allowed to offer the same type of services as their private competitors? is a question often asked.

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Best regards,

Ulla C.


Ulla Carlsson, Dr., Professor
University of Gothenburg
Box 713
SE 405 30 Göteborg

tel +46 31 786 1219, fax +46 31 786 4655
e-mail (ulla.carlsson /at/  

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