Archive for November 2003

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[eccr] Call for PapersCulture and Communications in Wales After the Communications Act/Diwylliant a Chyfathrebu yng Nghymru ar ôl y Ddeddf Gyfathrebu

Thu Nov 20 08:09:37 GMT 2003

>Call for Papers
>Culture and Communications in Wales After the Communications Act
>The Deaprtment of Theatre, Film and Television Studies  is holding a 
>conference on the implication of the Communications Act 2003 for culture 
>and communications in Wales on 29th and 30th March 2004 at the Department 
>of Theatre Film and Television Studies at the Univesity of Wales, Aberyswyth.
>The Act imposes a new regulatory structure on commercial radio, TV and 
>satellite in Wales. The new regulator, OFCOM has the remit to promote 
>competition in the communications industries. There are major issues 
>associated with the impact this change will have on broadcasting and film 
>industries in Wales, and on the spread of  broadband based technologies. 
>The Act places the Welsh language broadcaster, S4C in a more competitive 
>environment. The BBCs future is up for reconsideration in the light of 
>the Act and the forthcoming Charter Renewal of 2006, and OFCOM is 
>currently engaging in a major investigation into the nature of public 
>service broadcasting.
>The communications industries in Wales have historically played a crucial 
>role in the formation of national politics, culture and the development 
>of  a bi-lingual society unique in extent in the United Kingdom.
>The organisers of the conference invite suggestions for panels or 
>individual papers on the Communications Act and its implications for the 
>production, distribution and uses of communications in Wales. We welcome 
>contributions on television, film, digital TV, radio, film and independent 
>production, language and culture, ownership and control, working 
>conditions, and culture. Whilst the focus will be on Wales, general papers 
>on the nature of the Act and its implications for communications more 
>generally will be welcome.
>A summary of the paper (up to 500 words) should be sent to tom OMalley by 
>9 January 2004 for consideration. Further details of the conference will 
>be circulated shortly.
>For further information contact
>Tom OMalley
>(<mailto:(tpo /at/>(tpo /at/
>Professor of Media Studies
>Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies
>Parry-Williams Building
>University of Wales at Aberystwyth
>Ceredigion SY23 3AJ
>Tel  01970 622 833
>Galwad am Bapurau
>Diwylliant a Chyfathrebu yng Nghymru ar ôl y Ddeddf Gyfathrebu
>Maer Adran Astudiaethau Theatr, Ffilm a Theledu yn cynnal cynhadledd ar 
>oblygiadau Deddf Gyfathrebu 2003 i ddiwylliant a chyfathrebu yng Nghymru 
>ar y 29ain ar 30ain o Fawrth 2004 yn Adran Astudiaethau Theatr, Ffilm a 
>Theledu Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth.
>Maer Ddeddf yn gosod trefn reoleiddio newydd ar radio, teledu a theledu 
>lloeren yng Nghymru.  Mae gan y corff rheoleiddio newydd, OFCOM, y 
>ddyletswydd o hybu cystadleuaeth yn y diwydiannau cyfathrebu.  Mae 
>materion pwysig yn gysylltiedig âr effaith a gaiff y newid hwn ar 
>ddiwydiannau darlledu a ffilm yng Nghymru, ac ar ledaenu technolegau 
>seiliedig ar fand llydan.  Maer Ddeddf yn gosod y darlledwr Cymraeg, S4C, 
>mewn amgylchfyd mwy cystadleuol.  Mae dyfodol y BBC iw ailystyried yng 
>ngoleunir Ddeddf ac adnewyddiad ei siartr sydd i ddod yn 2006, ac mae 
>OFCOM ar hyn o bryd ynghlwm mewn ymchwiliad sylweddol i natur darlledu 
>gwasanaeth cyhoeddus.
>Yn hanesyddol, maer diwydiannau cyfathrebu yng Nghymru wedi chwarae rhan 
>hanfodol mewn ffurfio gwleidyddiaeth a diwylliant cenedlaethol a datblygu 
>cymdeithas ddwyieithog sydd yn unigryw yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol o ran maint.
>Mae trefnwyr y gynhadledd yn gwahodd awgrymiadau am baneli neu bapurau 
>unigol am y Ddeddf Gyfathrebu ai goblygiadau i gynhyrchu a dosbarthu 
>cyfathrebiadau yng Nghymru ar defnyddiau a wneir ohonynt.  Byddwn yn 
>croesawu cyfraniadau am deledu, ffilm, teledu digidol, radio, ffilm a 
>chynhyrchiad annibynnol, iaith a diwylliant, perchenogaeth a rheolaeth, 
>amodau gwaith, a diwylliant.  Er y byddir yn canolbwyntio ar Gymru, 
>croesewir papurau cyffredinol am natur y Ddeddf ai goblygiadau i 
>gyfathrebu yn fwy cyffredinol.
>Dylid anfon crynodeb or papur (hyd at 500 gair) at&erbyn 9fed o Ionawr 
>2004 iw ystyried.  Cylchredir manylion pellach am y gynhadledd cyn bo hir.
>Am ragor o wybodaeth cysyllter â Tom O Malley 
>(<mailto:(tpo /at/>(tpo /at/
>Adran Astudiaethau Theatr, Ffilm a Theledu
>Adeilad Parry-Williams
>Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth
>Ceredigion SY23 3AJ
>Ffôn 01970 622833

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
Office: C0.05
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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