Archive for August 2003

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[eccr] 15th European Television and Film Forum

Wed Aug 06 11:35:07 GMT 2003

>15th European Television and Film Forum Berlin 25th-27th September 2003
>Organised by the European Institute for the Media
>Confirmed speakers below
>The Youth Audience: Challenges and Opportunities for the European 
>Audiovisual Sector
>Reduced fee for academics Euro 450
>For information contact Ilknur Yilmaz (yilmaz /at/
>Youth has become an ever increasing fascination for the culture industries 
>and over the past decade,
>with the changes in the audiovisual marketplace, the media have also 
>focused their energies in trying to
>engage the youth audience (12-25 years). In many respects youth 
>programming is not a new genre.
>Today however, there is an increasing need to engage with this audience 
>for commercial and public
>television and film producers. On one hand the commercial sector, who 
>have, in many countries, tailored
>their services to youth audiences need to develop formats and genres that 
>continuously engage with the
>unpredictable tastes of this target group. On the other hand public 
>broadcasters and state support schemes
>that promote the audiovisual industry, need to justify themselves by being 
>inclusive and covering the whole
>population. The focus of this year's Forum is therefore the youth audience 
>and the opportunities and challenges
>for broadcasters and filmmakers raised by the growing importance of this 
>part of the population. It will offer
>a wide range of plenary presentations, working groups, panel discussions 
>and master classes in four main areas;
>distribution, production, media policy and packaging, from experts in the 
>field of both youth and television and film.
>The activities will include examples of successful formats, support 
>schemes to encourage younger people to
>actively participate in the production of films and programming, as well 
>as mapping out trends in the cultural
>preferences of the youth audience in the audiovisual sector. The overall 
>aim of the Forum in 2003 is to raise the
>central question of youth in order to understand the extent to which this 
>audience represents an opportunity, risk
>and challenge and identify the central issues for the audiovisual community.
>Confirmed speakers include:
>Charlotte Appelgren, MEDIA Desk (Denmark),
>Boris Bergant, RTV (Slovenia),
>Laurent Bliaut, France Télévisions Publicité (France),
>Dan Brooke, Channel 4 (United Kingdom),
>Vincent Chalvon Demersay, Marathon (France),
>Claude Contamine, The European Institute for the Media (France),
>Joop Daalmeijer, NOS (Netherlands),
>Axel Dammler, Icon Kids and Youth (Germany),
>Nicola Döring, TU Ilmenau (Germany),
>Hardy Dreier, Hans-Bredow Institut (Germany),
>Johanna Fell, BLM (Germany),
>Jo Groebel, The European Institute for the Media (Germany),
>John Hill, University of Ulster (United Kingdom),
>Samuel Goldfinger, NOB (Netherlands),
>Philippe Jacot, EBU (Switzerland),
>Susanne Kayser, ZDF (Germany),
>Jens Lönneker, Rheingold Institut (Germany),
>Lennart van der Meulen, Commissariaat voor de Media (Netherlands),
>Stuart Murphy, BBC3 (United Kingdom),
>Johan Nijenhuis, NL Films (Netherlands),
>Catherine O'Shea, First Light (United Kingdom),
>Francisco Pinto Balsemão, SIC (Portugal),
>Didier Presse, M6 (France),
>Uschi Reich, Bavaria Filmverleih und Produktion (Germany),
>Carl Rohde, Signs of the Time (Netherlands),
>Markus Schächter, ZDF (Germany),
>Peer Steinbrück, Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany),
>Jean Pierre Teyssier, Cour de Comptes (France),
>David Ward, The European Institute for the Media (United Kingdom),
>Stephen Whittle, BBC (United Kingdom),
>Axel Zerdick, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
>Best wishes
>Deirdre Kevin
>Deirdre Kevin
>Project Manager
>European Institute for the Media
>Zollhof 2a, D-40221 Duesseldorf
>Germany / Tel:  +49 211 90104 75/ Fax: +49 211 90104 56

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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