Archive for May 2003

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[eccr] TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies

Mon May 26 19:48:24 GMT 2003

>Dear friends,
>I am pleased to announce that Wilfrid Laurier University Press is now 
>publishing TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, beginning with #9, 
>Spring 2003. The new issue will be launched in Halifax on May 31st and 
>available through WLUP, by subscription, or at your local bookstore 
>(especially if you request it!) after that date.  This move will allow us 
>to produce the journal more  regularly and to distribute it more 
>effectively. We have new colleagues on our advisory and editorial boards, 
>and new ideas and projects for the journal.  You can preview the issue and 
>meet the editorial board at <>
>Your subscriptions are crucial to our sustainability and our ability to 
>produce an engaged, ongoing dialogue between readers, contributors and the 
>journal itself. Last year we increased our subscribers' list by over 100% 
>but we still need to expand our subscription base. For subscription forms 
>and information please go to 
><>  Since libraries, like 
>academics, are pinching their pennies, the journal continues to be very 
>reasonably priced.
>TOPIA is planning a theme issue on technology and culture for Spring 2004. 
>A Call for Papers is posted on the TOPIA website.  Future theme issues in 
>the works include Muslim identities; South Asian cultural studies; 
>cultural studies and disability; and cultural  studies, gender and the 
>environment.  With the formation of a new cultural studies association 
>(see link in <> and the 
>creation of new cultural studies programs in universities across the 
>country, this promises to be an interesting time for scholars in this 
>area.  We receive an ever increasing number of manuscripts representing 
>diverse disciplines, critical approaches and geographic regions. With 
>these changes we are also considering future directions for our website, 
>including the publication of abstracts, graduate student papers, a 
>discussion forum, and audio-visual components for the journal. Those of 
>you attending the Congress may wish to attend our workshop on critical 
>issues in academic publishing, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, 
>May 31st at 4:00 pm.
>Barbara Godard continues her outstanding work as book review editor.  To 
>offer reviews or notify her of current publications please contact her at 
><mailto:(bgodard /at/>(bgodard /at/  For editorial inquiries or to 
>discuss submissions please write 
><mailto:(topia /at/>(topia /at/  We consider the ever-increasing 
>flow of manuscripts and queries a gratifying confirmation of the journal's 
>success in stimulating critical, interdisciplinary scholarship on culture. 
>Hopefully the journal will continue to grow in its scope, its 
>interdisciplinarity, its relevance and its interest for people in the many 
>areas and disciplines that comprise its readership.  I look forward to 
>working with you on this project.
>Many thanks,
>Jody Berland
>Editor, TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies
>Help us reach our goal of 500 subscribers
>Table of Contents Issue 9, Spring 2003:
>Robert Babe:  Money and Culture: First Annual Column on Cultural Studies 
>and Political Economy
>Len Findlay: Content Providers of the World Unite! A Critical Canadian 
>Analysis and Agenda
>Leslie Shade: G-Men Redux: Total Information Awareness and the Threat to 
>the Public Interest
>Tony Tremblay: Reading the 'Real': Unearthing Survivor's Republican Roots
>Bruce Erickson: The Colonial Climbs of Mount Trudeau: Thinking Masculinity 
>Through the Homosocial
>Bjorn Ekeberg: Life in Transit - A Global Condition
>Carol Corbin:  Michael McGee
>Review Essays:
>Michael Dorland: 'Money for nothing; things for free': The dire straits of 
>contemporary cultural policy analysis?
>Elena Basile: Deterritorializing the Nation: Italic Writing and the 
>Transcultural Politics of Ethnicity
>Michael Hunter: Long Wide Load: Navigating the Postmodern Turn
>François Gagnon: The Cultural Studies of Spaces
>Ilya Parkins: Unsettled Relations: Feminism and Cultural Studies
>Rhiannon Bury: Cyberculture: A Blast from the Past?
>Lachlan Story: Ultrasound and the Politics of Knowing and Showing

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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