Archive for May 2003

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[eccr] Communities and Technologies Conference Amsterdam

Wed May 07 11:55:32 GMT 2003

>Communities and Technologies Conference Amsterdam 19-21 September 2003
>local information and communication infrastructures: experiences and 
>From: "Peter van den Besselaar" 
><<mailto:(peter.van.den.besselaar /at/>(peter.van.den.besselaar /at/>
>local information and communication infrastructures:
>experiences and challenges
>A workshop organized within the context of the
>Communities and Technologies Conference Amsterdam 19-21 September 2003
>The relationship between technologies and communities is ambiguous.
>On the one hand, changing technologies of communication and cooperation have
>facilitated the changes in the way people relate to each other. Wellman
>has introduced the concept of networked individualism for this (3), and
>this points at the phenomenon that people often participate in a variety of
>only partly overlapping and often non-local communities. On the other
>hand, the role of place remains crucial important, as the local environment
>remains an important place of organizing and coordinating social life.
>Digital cities are developing on the intersection of these two phenomena:
>network and place. Digital cities can be seen as an effort to develop and
>use ICT-applications for the improvement of the local and urban
>infrastructure for living, working, collaboration, and communication within
>a networked society. Many experiments have taken place and are still taking
>place all over the world (see 1, 2, 3 for overviews), showing a large
>- Some are developing advanced cutting edge technologies, others use
>established and well known technologies.
>- Some are mainly technological projects that aim at demonstrating the
>potential usefulness, while others are mainly social development projects,
>using the technology as an instrument for supporting the development of
>deprived groups, neighborhoods or regions.
>- Some are very resourceful, whereas others are low budget initiatives.
>- Finally, where some digital cities are merely (temporary) experiments,
>others are meant as sustainable part of the local infrastructures.
>The nature, functioning, use and sustainability of digital cities is highly
>dependent on contextual factors such as the political and social context,
>the actors involved with their different aims and resources, the
>organizational forms, and choices for certain technical solutions.
>Especially the arena of actors and organizations involved is a crucial
>factor in the development of digital cities.
>In the workshop we will discuss the state of the art in digital city
>experimentation and research, and build upon the lessons of the earlier
>workshops organized in Kyoto.
>We invite papers on the following topics, but the list is not exclusive.
>- Technologies for digital cities and community networks: development and
>especially evaluation of infrastructures, systems, and tools. What is
>'appropriate technology' in this field?
>- Organizational forms of digital cities and community networks: the
>question of ownership and resources of local information an communication
>- ICT and social change in urban environment on different levels: examples,
>empirical studies, theoretical understanding.
>- Real and virtual public domain: differences, analogies, implications.
>- Interdisciplinary design approaches, methods and theories for community
>- Digital cities / community networks and problems of privacy and identity.
>The objective of the workshop is to evaluate the state of the art in the
>field, and to formulate perspectives for research and for socio-technical
>(1) Toru Ishida, Communityware and social interaction. Lecture Notes in
>Computer Science 1519 (1998).
>(2) Toru Ishida & Karen Isbister, Digital Cities: experiences, trends,
>perspectives. Lecture Notes in Computer Science  1765 (2000).
>(3) Makoto Tanabe, Peter van den Besselaar & Toru Ishida, Digital Cities 2,
>computational and sociological approaches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
>2362 (2002).
>The workshop will last a whole day and will have 4 two-hours sessions, with
>a maximum of 25 participants. We aim at a discussion between social
>scientists, computer scientists, and practitioners with experience in
>constructive, reflective, and empirical research in the field of digital
>cities. To emphasize the cross-cultural dimensions of the research field, we
>will have three invited speakers from Japan, the USA, and Europe.
>Participants have a full paper by the end of August, to be distributed
>(electronically) among participants in advance. The discussion in the
>workshop will be organized around the main themes in the papers, as well as
>the new ideas and results. We aim at publishing revised versions of the
>workshop papers in a volume.
>-       Extended abstract due June 7 (2500 words).
>-       Author notification June 21
>-       Full papers (10-15 pages) August 31
>-       Revised (accepted) papers November 1
>The extended abstract should in 2500 words clearly summarize the work and
>results that will be fully described in the paper:
>- For social science papers: clearly describe in the abstract the research
>questions, the data and methods used, an indication of the findings and of
>the relevance of the findings.
>- For technology papers: clearly describe the abstract in the design
>approach and motivation of decisions made, the resulting system, and
>possibly an evaluation. (design theory, perspective, considerations,
>description of system plus evaluation).
>Please send your extended abstract to: 
><mailto:(submit /at/>(submit /at/
>Format of the final version of the paper:
>Please format the final version of your paper using the Lecture Notes in
>Computer Science (Springer Verlag) formatting instructions for MsWord or
>Workshop Website: 
>For contacting us: 
><mailto:(workshop /at/>(workshop /at/
>Peter van den Besselaar Social Sciences Department
>Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information
>Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
>Satoshi Koizumi Digital City Research Center,
>Japan Science and Technology Corp.
>Jun-ichi Akahani NTT Communication Science Laboratory, Japan
>Allesandro Aurigi University of Newcastle, UK
>Fiorella De Cindio University of Milano, Italy
>Noshir Contractor University of Illinois, USA
>Vanessa Evers University of Amsterdam
>Toru Ishida Kyoto University, Japan
>Satoshi Koizumi Digital City Research Center, JST Corp, Japan.
>Peter Mambrey FIT Fraunhofer Gesellschaft & Duisburg University, Germany
>Carolien Metselaar City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>Doug Schuler Evergreen State College, USA
>Sheng HuanYe Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
>Peter van den Besselaar NIWI-KNAW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>NIWI-KNAW, Social Sciences Department, the Netherlands
>Kyoto University, Japan
>Japan Science and Technology Corp., Japan

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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