Archive for May 2003

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[eccr] QuickLinks 269 - 6 May 2003

Tue May 06 22:30:03 GMT 2003

QuickLinks 269 - 6 May 2003

HTML version:
Forthcoming events:
Home Page:

Legal and regulatory issues

1. UK - BBC channels may share listings with TV porn

2. EU / UK - Commission approves 3rd Generation mobile network sharing
in the United Kingdom
3. DE - ARD und ZDF Online: Übers Ziel hinausgeschossen?

Computer crime
4. EU / LU - Le mandat d¹arrêt européen progresse et intéresse les
juristes de l¹internet
5. US - Judge Arrested On Child Porn Charge

Consumer protection
6. US - Law enforcement cracks down on Internet auction scams

Content regulation
7. FR - Diffusion de programmes pornographiques ou de très grande

Copyright, trademarks and patents
8. EU - Electronic piracy must be stamped out to protect Europe's
9. RIAA to file swappers: Let's chat
10. US - Students face download damages

Data Protection (privacy)
11. Enum: Mapping Telephone Numbers Onto The Internet

Employment and social issues
12. Vers un embryon de label européen d'accessibilité au web

Information society and Internet policy
13. WTO - EU tables proposals for services
14. SG - National Internet Advisory Committee report 2002

Junk mail (spam)
15. US - Virginia Blocks Bulk E-Mailers
16. Net heavyweights unite to KO spam
17. US - A modest proposal to end spam
18. US - Even Tough Laws May Not Kill Spam

Racism and xenophobia
19. DE - Neue Internet-Plattform gegen Rechtsextremismus

Market & Technology

Internet access and use
20. UK - Award for child soldiers site

21. Apple Launches Online Music Service

1. UK - BBC channels may share listings with TV porn (BBC)
The BBC has warned that its regional channels BBC Wales and BBC
Scotland will be demoted to positions on the Sky on-screen guide
alongside porn channels such as Playboy if TV watchdogs don't
intervene. The corporation claimed BSkyB has threatened to relegate
BBC1 and BBC2 to slots 214 and 215 on Sky's electronic version of the
Radio Times, which 6.6 million subscribers must use find and tune into
channels. The threat was made after the corporation decided to go it
alone and not pay BSkyB for encryption and its slots on the programme
guide. Viewers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland would have to
trawl through hundreds of channels to find their local versions
because they would be listed in the 900s next to adult channels such
as Playboy TV and Fantasy TV.

2. EU / UK - Commission approves 3rd Generation mobile network sharing
in the United Kingdom (RAPID)
Site sharing in itself does not raise competition concerns. The
Commission' investigation has furthermore revealed that national
roaming between licensed network operators benefits consumers by
allowing the operators involved to offer better and quicker coverage,
especially in less built-up and more remote areas of the UK. It also
helps the launch of innovative 3rd Generation ("3G") services. Roaming
will not include the top ten cities in the UK but be limited to
smaller cities and rural areas.

3. DE - ARD und ZDF Online: Übers Ziel hinausgeschossen? (Spiegel)
Die ambitionierten Online-Engagements der öffentlich-rechtlichen
Anbieter ARD und ZDF stoßen auf immer härteren Widerstand.
Länderregierungen fordern von den Sendern eine Schlankheitskur, eine
Staatsvertrags-Novelle soll Grenzen ziehen und die Lobby der
Privatsender klagt in Brüssel.

4. EU / LU - Le mandat d¹arrêt européen progresse et intéresse les
juristes de l¹internet (Droit et Nouvelles Technologies)
Le Luxembourg s¹apprête à transposer la decision-cadre du Conseil
européen du 13 juin 2002 relative au mandat d'arrêt européen et aux
procédures de remise entre États membres. Nous saisissons l¹occasion
pour brièvement rappeler le contenu de ce texte méconnu mais qui
contient pourtant des dispositions qui intéressent au premier chef les
juristes de l¹internet. Certaines infractions, si elles sont punies
dans l'État membre d'émission d'une peine ou d'une mesure de sûreté
privatives de liberté d'un maximum d'au moins trois ans telles
qu'elles sont définies par le droit de l'État membre d'émission,
donnent lieu à remise sur la base d'un mandat d'arrêt européen, aux
conditions de la présente décision-cadre et sans contrôle de la double
incrimination du fait. Parmi ces exceptions, on trouve : 1.
L¹exploitation sexuelle des enfants et la pédopornographie ; 2. La

5. US - Judge Arrested On Child Porn Charge (AP)
Judge Stephen W. Thompson, who has sat on the New Jersey Superior
Court bench since 1989 and heard hundreds of criminal cases, was
arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a child for
possessing child pornography.

6. US - Law enforcement cracks down on Internet auction scams (AP)
The Federal Trade Commission has joined with 33 state and local law
enforcement agencies to target auction con artists with actions
ranging from criminal prosecutions to warning letters.

7. FR - Diffusion de programmes pornographiques ou de très grande
violence (CSA)
La diffusion de programmes de catégorie V (les oeuvres
cinématographiques interdites aux mineurs de 18 ans ainsi que les
programmes pornographiques ou de très grande violence) ne demeure
possible qu'entre minuit et cinq heures du matin. Pour la diffusion en
mode numérique doit être mis en oeuvre un dispositif efficace de
verrouillage d'accès à ces programmes, qui nécessite la composition
d'un code parental fourni, avec des garanties appropriées, aux seuls
majeurs titulaires de l'abonnement.

8. EU - Electronic piracy must be stamped out to protect Europe's
competitiveness (RAPID)
Protecting Europe's fast-growing electronic pay-services (paid for
services provided via TV, radio and internet) against piracy will be
an important contribution to making the EU more competitive as 21st
century knowledge-based economies are expected to rely increasingly on
electronic pay services, says a report by the European Commission.
Piracy is far from a victimless crime: legitimate users end up paying
higher prices, operators can go bankrupt and governments are deprived
of tax revenue. see On the legal protection of electronic pay
services. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European
Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on the
implementation of Directive 98/84/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 20 November 1998 on the legal protection of services
based on, and consisting of, conditional access COM(2003)198.

9. RIAA to file swappers: Let's chat (CNET
The recording industry is turning file-swappers' own tools against
them with a new campaign to send warnings to people who are offering
copyrighted materials online. Tapping into the chat functions built
into software programs such as Kazaa and Grokster, the Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA) started sending automatic
messages to people who are providing copyrighted songs online, warning
them that they're breaking the law.

10. US - Students face download damages (BBC)
Four US students have agreed to pay damages after the American music
industry's trade group sued them for making money from illegal
downloading. The four students will pay between $12,000 (£7,500) and
$17,500 (£11,000) each to the RIAA, although the industry body had
originally sought damages for $150,000 (£93,000) per song.

11. Enum: Mapping Telephone Numbers Onto The Internet (CDT)
ENUM is a technology "protocol" that allows the translation of normal
telephone numbers into a format that can be used to store and retrieve
Internet addressing information, which can in turn be used to route
communications over the Internet. This technology has the potential
to allow large and small users to save money and increase control over
and flexibility in their communications. But ENUM's potential benefits
also bring risks in terms of privacy and other public policy concerns.
Full report.

12. Vers un embryon de label européen d'accessibilité au web
25 organismes et associations européennes ont décidé de lancer un
projet de label européen d'accessibilité du web pour les personnes
handicapées. Pour cela, les 25 partenaires ont signé un protocole
d'accord pour la création d'un consortium, baptisé "Euro

13. WTO - EU tables proposals for services (RAPID)
The EU has tabled in the WTO a detailed list of sectors where it is
offering companies and individuals in third countries further
opportunities to offer services in the EU market. The further opening
of trade in a number of areas, ranging from telecommunications, to
banking, insurance, environmental services or distribution will
contribute to growth and employment in the EU. A particular focus of
the offer aims to give developing countries a better deal especially
in sectors of interest for them via the temporary entry of foreign
nationals into the EU to provide services. Telecoms: the EU offers to
guarantee to third countries' operators full access to the internal
market, while fully safeguarding the right of the EU, for example, to
define its universal service objectives. The EU also removes
restrictions, such as prohibitions for telecom companies to engage in
non-telecom activities (e.g. computer related services) in Greece,
restrictions on foreign ownership in Portugal or prohibitions against
providing telecom services across borders in several Member States.
Audiovisual services: The current regime is unchanged: no commitment
in this sector, and maintenance of all exemptions to the Most-Favoured
Nation clause listed by the EU during the Uruguay Round to cover
cultural policies, such as co-production agreements and privileged
treatment accorded to audio-visual works originating from the EU and
other European countries. Trade in services: Conditional offer from
the EC and its Member States (PDF).

14. SG - National Internet Advisory Committee report 2002 (MDA)
Singapore's National Internet Advisory Committee (NIAC) advises the
Media Development Authority (MDA) on the regulation of electronic
information services and the development of the industry. The
Committee also assists MDA in the development of its regulatory
framework for the Internet. MDA is formed by the merger of the
Singapore Broadcasting Authority, the Films and Publications
Department, and the Singapore Film Commission, on 1 Jan 2003. See
report for 2002.

15. US - Virginia Blocks Bulk E-Mailers (Washington Post)
Virginia launched a crackdown on unsolicited bulk e-mail yesterday
with a new anti-spam statute that enables prosecutors to seize the
profits, computers and other assets of high-volume offenders. Gov.
Mark R. Warner traveled to the Dulles headquarters of America Online,
the world's largest Internet service provider, to ceremonially sign
recently enacted legislation that establishes five-year prison terms
and other criminal penalties against chronic, large-scale senders.

16. Net heavyweights unite to KO spam (CNET
The top three e-mail service providers are pooling their resources and
technical expertise to reduce unwanted commercial solicitations, or
spam, that is inundating their systems. America Online, Yahoo and
Microsoft sketched a broad outline that calls for technical changes to
e-mail to make it more difficult to send the widely reviled messages.
Among the steps are plans to hinder spammers from creating multiple
fraudulent e-mail accounts in bulk and to determine the real identity
of the senders.

17. US - A modest proposal to end spam (CNET
It's not every day people bet their jobs on the effectiveness of a
law--let alone an antispam law. Many U.S. states have already enacted
such e-mail laws, and spam keeps flooding in. But that's exactly what
Larry Lessig, a Stanford University law professor and one of the most
prominent liberal voices online, has done. A few months ago, Lessig
made an unusual wager: If Congress enacts an antispam law that offers
bounties for the reporting of spammers, and the law fails to
"substantially reduce the level of spam," he will resign from his
dream job at a top law school.

18. US - Even Tough Laws May Not Kill Spam (IDG News Service)
Two proposals aiming to curb unwanted commercial e-mail being
considered by Congress don't go far enough to eliminate spam, say some
antispam advocates. The country needs federal antispam legislation,
agreed most of the group of eight panelists at the Federal Trade
Commission's recent Spam Forum. But all disagreed with a proposal
recently offered by Representative Zoe Lofgren, and most said they
didn't support a bill offered by Senators Conrad Burns and Ron Wyden.
Spam and a Case of Dyspepsia (Washington Post) Spam e-mail problem
worse than imagined and Conference concludes spam is here to stay ...
for now (AP)

19. DE - Neue Internet-Plattform gegen Rechtsextremismus (Heise)
Die Internet-Plattform ist vom Stern
und der Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung gestartet worden. Der Internet-
Auftritt berichtet über die Entwicklung beim Rechtsextremismus in
Deutschland. Die Bundesregierung wird für den Kampf gegen den
Rechtsextremismus in diesem Jahr 45,5 Millionen Euro bereitstellen.
Die Idee einer Internet-Plattform gegen Rechtsradikalismus ist nicht
neu:. Siehe, hagalil online und Zusammen gegen
Rechts im Internet (ZgR).

20. UK - Award for child soldiers site (BBC)
A website has been honoured for its role in helping former child
soldiers in Sierra Leone recover from their ordeal.
has won a Cable and Wireless Childnet Award, which recognises the best
websites for children from all over the world. The Sierra Leonean
site allows former child solders to talk about their experiences
through writings, drawing or music, as well as exchange e-mails with
other teens from around the world.

21. Apple Launches Online Music Service (Reuters)
Apple unveiled its long-awaited online music service, promising to
make the process of buying music on the Internet simple and cheap
enough to compete with file-swapping sites the record industry blames
for its slump. Apple said that its Internet-based iTunes Music Store
software would allow users to download music for 99 cents per song
without subscription fees.

Main Sources and Contributors: Baker & McKenzie E-Law Alert, Michael
Geist BNA - ILN,,, Gerhard Heine,
David Goldstein, Net Family News,,

Links to news items about legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and
the information society, particularly those relating to information
content, and market and technology.

QuickLinks is edited by Richard Swetenham (richard.swetenham /at/

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