Archive for publications, September 2003

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[eccr] RIPE@2003 Book

Thu Sep 04 16:35:40 GMT 2003

FYI, Nico

>Broadcasting & Convergence: New Articulations of the Public Service Remit
>Gregory Ferrell Lowe & Taisto Hujanen (eds.)
>RIPE@2003, published by NORDICOM
>ISBN 91-89471-18-0
>     Description of Contents:
>Will broadcasting survive convergence, and should it survive? If yes, why 
>and in what form? These questions were fundamental to the RIPE@2002 
>conference in Finland and lay the groundwork for this book, representing 
>two years of fruitful collaboration between media scholars and 
>practitioners with a keen focus on the future of public service media. The 
>contents help set the stage for the RIPE@2004 conference being organised 
>in Denmark by Danmarks Radio and the University of Aarhus.
>The essential idea behind Re-visionary Interpretations of the Public 
>Enterprise [RIPE] is a recognition that conceptual justification for 
>public service broadcasting no longer resonates. The authors in this 
>volume explore various dimensions about what is different to any 
>compelling degree about the public service approach that convincingly 
>justifies its remit today, and about what contemporary ingredients could 
>fruitfully reframe its conceptual and operational designs.
>This book is relevant to discourse and policy about a quality of public 
>life interdependent with social processes that continue to respect and 
>also defend values that nourish media pluralism, cultural diversity, 
>political democracy and social tolerance.  The book begins with the 
>large-scale society and policy framework, moving next to the institutional 
>framework and organizational practices, and concludes with consideration 
>of reception and application.  The authors represent the Trans-Atlantic 
>nature of the RIPE initiative.
>     Authors and Chapters:
>Taisto Hujanen & Gregory Ferrell Lowe
>Broadcasting and Convergence. Rearticulating the Future Past
>Section 1. PUBLIC SERVICE CONCEPTS IN CONTEXT: Media Policy Dynamics
>Barbara Thomass
>Knowledge Society and Public Sphere. Two Concepts for the Remit
>Marc Raboy
>Rethinking Broadcasting Policy in a Global Media Environment
>Pertti Näränen
>European Regulation of Digital Television. The Opportunity Lost and Found?
>John D. Jackson & Mary Vipond
>The Public/Private Tension in Broadcasting. The Canadian Experience with 
>Tony Sampson & Jairo Lugo
>The Discourse of Convergence. A Neo-liberal Trojan Horse
>Elena Vartanova & Yassen N. Zassoursky
>Television in Russia. Is the Concept of PSB Relevant?
>Christina Holtz-Bacha
>Of Markets and Supply. Public Broadcasting in Germany
>Jeanette Steemers
>Public Service Broadcasting Is Not Dead Yet. Strategies in the 21st Century
>Alan G. Stavitsky & Robert K. Avery
>U.S. Public Broadcasting and the Business of Public Service
>Karol Jakubowicz
>Bringing Public Service Broadcasting to Account
>Jo Bardoel & Kees Brants
> From Ritual to Reality. Public Broadcasters and Social Responsibility in 
> the Netherlands
>Per Jauert
>Policy Development in Danish Radio Broadcasting 1980-2002. Layers, Scenarios
>and the Public Service Remit
>Georgina Born
>Public Service Broadcasting and Digital Television in the UK. The Politics 
>of Positioning
>Ari Alm & Gregory Ferrell Lowe
>Outsourcing Core Competencies?
>Section 3. PUBLIC ACCESS AND PARTICIPATION: Challenges in Contemporary 
>Nico Carpentier, Rico Lie & Jan Servaes
>Is There a Role and Place for Community Media in the Remit?
>Hal Himmelstein & Minna Aslama
> From Service to Access. Re-conceiving Public Televisions Role in the New 
> Media Era
>Brian McNair & Matthew Hibberd
>Mediated Access. Political Broadcasting, the Internet and Democratic 
>Vivi Theodoropoulou
>Consumer Convergence. Digital Television and the Early Interactive 
>Audience in the UK
>Marko Turpeinen
>Co-Evolution of Broadcast, Customized and Community-Created Media
>Pirkko Raudaskoski & Tove Arendt Rasmussen
>Cross Media and (Inter)Active Media Use. A Situated Perspective
>Price Paperback: SEK 300, 35 (+p&p)
>Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research
>Göteborg University
>Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
>Telephone +46 31 773 10 00
>Fax +46 31 773 46 55
>E-mail: (nordicom /at/

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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