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[ecrea] FSMK conference - Academic freedom & Non-Mediacentrism, with PhD feedback workshop

Thu Mar 15 14:09:13 GMT 2018

FSMK conference 2018 @ Uppsala University
(with PhD feedback workshop - see below)

The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK) and the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University are together hosting the annual FSMK Day and the annual Media and Communication Studies Day, 3-4 May 2018.

The FSMK Day will be on "Academic freedom - threats and harassment within the academy"; the Media and Communication Studies Day will focus on "A Non-Media Centric Approach to Media Studies". At the end of the second day, a PhD feedback workshop will be organised.

The two days conference will take place at Uppsala University, Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Uppsala. The event is free for FSMK members.

Sign up for the FSMK Day and the Media and communication Studies Day 2018:


"Academic freedom - threats and harassment within the academy"
Thursday 3 May 2018
Auditorium 2, Ekonomikum, Uppsala University

12.30 – 13.00  Registration (outside auditorium 2)

13.00 – 13.15 Welcome and introduction by FSMK chairman Henrik Örnebring and Nico Carpentier, Chair of Media and Communication Studies, Uppsala University

13.15 – 14.00 Hillevi Ganetz, Stockholm University: "Gender Studies in the Eye of the Storm"

14.00– 14.45 Mattias Ekman, Örebro University: "Right-Wing Populism on the Rise - Threats to Research and Threats to Researchers"

14.15 – 15.15  Common discussion (Henrik Örnebring moderator)

15.15 – 15.45  Coffee

15.45 – 17.15  FSMK Annual Meeting 2018

17.30  Joint walk to Stockholm’s nation

17.45 – 21.00  Dinner at Stockholm’s nation

DAY 2: Media and Communication Studies Day
"A Non-Media Centric Approach to Media Studies"
Friday 4 May 2018
Auditorium 2, Ekonomikum, Uppsala University

9.00 – 10.00 Keynote: Shaun Moores, Sunderland University, UK. From Non-Media-Centric Media Studies to Everyday-Life Studies with a Non-Representational Theoretical Emphasis

10.00 – 10.30  Coffee

10.30 – 11.30 Panel 1: ”How do we engage with non-media centric media studies?” Nico Carpentier, Therese Monstad, Göran Svensson, Kirill Filimonov, Uppsala University (Vaia Doudaki moderator)

11.30 – 12.30 Panel 2: ”How do we teach non-media centric media studies?” Tobias Olsson, Lund University, Tina Askanius, Malmö University, Amanda Lagerkvist, Stockholm University (Ylva Ekström moderator)

12.30 – 13.00  Closing discussion

13.00 – 14.00  Lunch at Restaurant Humlan, Ekonomikum

14.00 – 17.00  PhD feedback workshop with Nico Carpentier and Tobias Olsson

PhD feedback workshop

In the afternoon of 4 May, from 14:00 until 17:00, a PhD feedback workshop will be organised. There is a maximum of 10 places available, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. During the feedback workshop, two parallel sessions will be organised, moderated by Nico Carpentier and Tobias Olsson respectively. Each professor will give feedback to 5 PhD projects. The working language will be English.

Participants are required to write a 1500-word paper on their PhD project as a whole. This should be a report of the student’s ongoing doctoral research and not a conventional conference paper or a report of findings. Rather, it is expected that the student will briefly present the focus of the research and then take up the following key aspects of the research process: theory, methodology, design, (expected) empirical outcomes and timing.

Important dates for PhD workshop: Applications for participation in the PhD workshop should be received before 1 April 2018. The paper should be emailed before 16 April 2018 to Anna Henriksson, at (anna.henriksson /at/ This deadline cannot be extended.

Accommodation and contact data

Hotels are to be paid by each individual participant. A number of rooms have been reserved for the conference at the Akademihotellet. Use booking code 121878 when making a booking.

If your have questions about the practical arrangements, contact Ylva Ekström, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, at (ylva.ekstrom /at/

Keynote abstract (day 2)

From Non-Media-Centric Media Studies to Everyday-Life Studies with a Non-Representational Theoretical Emphasis
Shaun Moores

What are 'non-media-centric media studies'? Is that not a contradiction in terms? Might such investigations point towards the institutional formation of an interdisciplinary field with a name like 'everyday-life studies'? What are 'non-representational' theories? How could media studies, or even everyday-life studies, possibly be done with a non-representational theoretical emphasis, given the centrality of the concept of representation for media analysis since the 1970s and the inheritance of a broader linguistic or cultural-constructionist turn in the humanities and social sciences?

This keynote paper, given by one of the main advocates of a non-media-centric perspective, is an attempt to provide straightforward answers to that series of questions, making the argument for a future shift from non-media-centric media studies to everyday-life studies with a non-representational theoretical emphasis. Shaun Moores will discuss the work of, amongst others, David Morley (media and communications), Nigel Thrift (geography), Maurice Merleau-Ponty (philosophy), Tim Ingold and Sarah Pink (both anthropology), exploring approaches that assert the primacy of practice or movement, and, in the process, challenging ideas about the primacy of representation or of the cognitive and the symbolic. There will also be some discussion of the political and empirical-research implications of a turn to non-representational theories of practice, with particular reference to the work of Pierre Bourdieu (sociology).


Professor Nico Carpentier
A Cypriot community media arts festival
Out now:
Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation
Representations, Materialities, and Cultures
Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 753 13 Uppsala, Sweden
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
& Charles University in Prague
The Commlist
International Association for Media and Communication Research
Participatory Communication Research Section
Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series
E-mail (UUppsala): (nico.carpentier /at/
E-mail (VUBrussels): (nico.carpentier /at/
T (UUppsala): +46 (0)18 471 6341
Room (UUppsala): Ekonomikum building E329
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