Archive for jobs, 2018

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[ecrea] PhD Scholarship at the Institute for Culture and Society

Fri Feb 23 16:30:26 GMT 2018

The Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University ( is offering a research scholarship to a highly motivated PhD candidate.

We ask that eligible applicants propose a research focus that sits within the parameters of the Urban Living and Society theme and addresses the intersection between creative producers and creative cities, and the role of innovation. For example, we are interested in topics that investigate the use of social media in creative production, developing new understandings of creating and making that intersect with manufacturing in cities, the role of community and place in creative production, and how technology might influence, change or enhance any of these areas.

The project is funded by Western Sydney University and will be based in the Institute for Culture and Society, with the opportunity to work with Professor Deborah Stevenson and Dr Kylie Budge on exciting research that produces new knowledge of cities and the creative ecologies that underpin them.

For more information about the scholarship including the eligibility criteria and application process, please see visit the Western Sydney University website:

Applications close 11 March 2018.

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