Archive for calls, October 2024

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[Commlist] CFP: Conference on ethics and aesthetics of artificial images

Fri Oct 04 10:52:31 GMT 2024

*Conference on ethics and aesthetics of artificial images (EA-AI 2025): call for abstracts*

Date: *8th-10th May 2025 *
Location: Venice, Italy
Venue: Università Iuav di Venezia

The *Ethics and Aesthetics of Artificial Images*//(EA-AI) conference invites submissions from scholars across relevant disciplines, including but not limited to media theory, philosophy, art history, visual culture, new media studies, computer science, and artificial intelligence research. We also welcome contributions from practitioners in design and architecture, as well as legal experts. This interdisciplinary conference seeks to examine issues arising from the generation and dissemination of images created by artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

The conference comes at a crucial juncture, as the debate on AI-generated images has intensified significantly over the past two years. EA-AI 2025 offers a timely opportunity to assess the current state of this discourse, benefiting from the participation of leading scholars who have been at the forefront of these discussions.

*Conference objectives*
The EA-AI 2025 conference strives to unite theoretical and practical perspectives on AI-generated images, while bringing together ethical and aesthetic considerations. We aim to address fundamental questions such as:

  * What constitutes an AI-generated image?
  * How are these images interpreted and perceived?
  * How is the concept of authorship and ownership being redefined in
    the age of AI?
  * What transformations are occurring in our understanding of creativity?
  * How do AI-generated images relate to the work of artists and designers?
  * What are the connections between ethical concerns and aesthetic
    discourse regarding AI-images?
  * What are the social challenges and collective impacts of
    AI-generated visual content?

*Topics of interest*
Submissions may address, but are not limited to, the following themes:

1. Theory and Practice of AI-Generated Images:
    - Philosophy of AI-generated images
    - Cognitive and perceptual processes in interpreting artificial images
    - Semiotics of AI-generated visual content
    - Reconceptualizing authorship and creativity in the AI era
   - Intersections of language and image: Large Language Models and visual generation

2.  Ethics of Artificial Images:
   - Ethical considerations in utilizing human works for AI system training
    - Intellectual property rights and authorship of AI-generated works
   - Socio-ethical implications of AI integration in artistic and design contexts

3. Impact of AI on Creative Professions:
   - Paradigm shifts in creative and design practices due to AI integration
    - Evolution of image production methodologies and workflows
   - Prognostications for artistic and design professions in an AI-augmented future

*Confirmed keynote speakers:*
Joanna Zylinska, King’s College, London
Antonio Somaini, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Lev Manovich, City University, New York
Francesco D’Isa, writer and artist, director of /L’indiscreto/ magazine.

*Submission guideline*
Abstracts must be submitted in English (the conference language) by December 15th, 2024 to *(ai.venice2025 /at/* <mailto:(ai.venice2025 /at/>**with the subject “Abstract EA-AI 2024” and should not exceed 500 words. Abstracts must include the presentation title, the author's name, and institutional affiliation.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be allotted a 20-minute presentation slot, followed by a 10-minute discussion period. The conference structure, including the potential for parallel sessions, will be determined based on the volume of accepted proposals.

Shortly after the conference, participants will be invited to submit their papers for a *book publication*.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by January 5th, 2025. Subsequent information regarding the *registration process* will be made available on this website.

*Registration fees*
50 euro: students, PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers
90 euro: tenured faculty and non-academic professionals

The registration fee covers organizational costs, conference materials, and the conference dinner. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. A list of recommended accommodation options will be provided to assist attendees.

*Organizing committee*

Emanuele Arielli (arielli /at/ <mailto:(arielli /at/>, Alberto Attilio Bassi, Marco Bertozzi, Paolo Garbolino, Fabrizio Gay, Angela Mengoni, Michele Sinico, Simone Spagnol

For further information or inquiries, please contact the organizing committee at (ai.venice2025 /at/ <mailto:(ai.venice2025 /at/>.

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