Archive for calls, October 2024

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[Commlist] Call for Book Review: Health & New Media Research (HNMR) – Volume 8, Issue 2

Mon Sep 30 21:42:23 GMT 2024

*Call for Book Reviews*

The /Health & New Media Research/ (HNMR), an international peer-reviewed academic journal, invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit BOOK REVIEWS for its upcoming issue. We welcome reviews of books published in 2023-2024 that fall within the scope of health and new media research. To explore more about the journal’s aims and editorial direction, please visit our website: HNMR Journal - About <>.

*Guidelines for Submission:*

  * *Eligibility*: Reviews should be based on books _published in
    2023-2024_ and should align with HNMR’s focus on the intersection of
    health and new media research.
  * *Review Formats*:
      o *Single Book Review*: 1000 words.
      o *Review Essay (Comparative Review of Two or More Books)*:
        1500-2000 words.
  * For guidance on structure, content, and strategy in writing book
    reviews, refer to: Gringarten, H., & Fernández-Calienes, R. (2014).
    How to write and publish a book review in a scholarly journal.
    /Strategic Management Review/, 8(1), 91-107.

*Submission Guidelines:*

  * All submissions must be double-spaced, using Times New Roman,
    12-point font, with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  * Reviews should follow the *APA Manual (7th Edition)* for formatting
    and citation.
  * Avoid highly technical language or jargon to ensure accessibility to
    a broad audience of educators and researchers from diverse backgrounds.
  * Maintain a professional tone. If offering critiques, they should be
    clear, respectful, and constructive.
  * Use *American English* spelling conventions.
  * Book reviews may undergo editorial review for minor revisions, or
    they may be returned to the authors for more significant revisions.
  * Submissions must not be under consideration by other journals.

*Important Dates:*

  * *Submission Deadline*: December 1, 2024.
  * *Publication Date*: Selected reviews will be published in the issue
    scheduled for release on December 31, 2024.

*Financial Support*: Accepted reviews will receive financial support to cover book costs and the reviews. For more information, please contact our Book Review Editor, Dr. Joon Soo Lim (Syracuse University) (jlim01 /at/ <mailto:(jlim01 /at/>. To submit your review, please use our submission system: HNMR Submission Portal <>.

Any other inquiries should be sent to: *(editor /at/*

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