Archive for calls, March 2022

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[Commlist] CfP MISDOOM 2022 - 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media

Sat Mar 19 12:13:49 GMT 2022

*Call for Papers - 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media
October 11-12, 2022
Hosted by Boise State University, Idaho, USA*
After three successful editions, the Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) returns for a 4th edition, this time hosted by Boise State University on October 11-12, 2022.  Depending on the pandemic status, the conference may move to online.

The symposium brings together researchers from multiple disciplines, including communication science, computer science, computational social science, political science, psychology, journalism, and media studies, as well as industry and practitioners in journalism and online media. The symposium has a strong multidisciplinary character and aims to cater to the habits of different disciplines.

*Symposium Topics*
Participants can discuss and contribute to the following (non-exclusive list of) topics:

Cross-platform campaigns and their impact (e.g., diffusion of disinformation and manipulation, observations of campaigns and strategies, communication strategies, hate speech) Approaches to studying misinformation (e.g., qualitative approaches, case studies, quantitative approaches, experiments) User involvement with misinformation on various platforms (e.g., engagement, viewership) Counter-measures on mis- and disinformation and manipulation (e.g., censorship policies, behavioral changes, education, professional codices, legal actions) Factors that lead to belief in misinformation and correction of those false beliefs (e.g., political polarization, motivated reasoning, confirmation bias) Social networking platforms, censorship policies, and impacts (e.g. policies to counter hate speech, health misinformation) Trending topics in mis- and disinformation research (e.g., health-related misinformation)
Automated fact-checking and misinformation detection
Argumentation reasoning for misinformation detection
Models for misinformation diffusion
Robustness of automated fact-checkers (e.g., AI-generated misinformation, generating adversarial examples for automatic fact-checkers, transparency, and explainability) Human computation approaches for misinformation detection (crowdsourcing, human-machine interaction) Information quality (information quality dimensions, metrics, ethics of information quality)
Industry is also invited to participate in the conference by submitting a contribution describing their approach to countering or detecting misinformation.

*Submission Instructions:* Given that we welcome both social scientists and computer scientists, and that the publication strategies of these fields differ, we solicit two types of contributions that, upon acceptance, result in the same opportunity to present at MISDOOM:

Full papers
Full papers to be published with Springer LNCS proceedings. Up to 15 pages (including references) in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format describing original unpublished and new research. The work should be structured like a research paper, and cover the context of the problem studied, the research question, approach/methodology, and results in 6 to 15 pages. It should be formatted according to the LNCS Word or LaTeX template. Such submissions will be judged based on scientific quality and relevance for the MISDOOM symposium.

Extended Abstracts
Authors can also choose to submit an Extended Abstract instead of a full paper. This extended abstract should be up to 500 words (not including references), and should briefly describe the work that will be presented. The extended abstract can be based on previously published work, ongoing work in progress, or even a new research idea or agenda. No template is provided, but at least the title, authors, their affiliation, the text of the extended abstract, and, especially in the case of previously published work, reference(s) should be included. Submissions are non-archival, and not formally published. Authors should also submit an abstract for the conference program of up to 150 words. Extended abstract submissions must add the suffix “(Extended Abstract)” at the end of their title.

*Important Note about Submissions*
Both contribution types (full papers and extended abstracts) must specify the discipline they are contributing to as keyword(s) in Easychair at the time of submission (they should enter at least one of the two keywords “computer science” or “social science” in the keyword box).

*Submission Link* - <>

*MISDOOM 2022 Website *- <>

*E-mail:* (info /at/

*Important Dates*
Submission Deadline: May 14, 2022
Notification: July 15, 2022
Camera ready: TBD
Registration: TBD
Cost of Attendance: TBD

*Organizing Committee*
General Chairs
Francesca Spezzano, Boise State University (USA)
Adriana Amaral, UNISINOS University (Brazil)
Program Chairs
Edoardo Serra, Boise State University (USA)
Davide Ceolin, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (The Netherlands)
Lisa Fazio, Vanderbilt University (USA)
Proceedings Chair
Shiri Dori-Hacohen, University of Connecticut (USA)
Publicity Chair
Gus Andrews, Theorem Media and Teachers College, Columbia University (USA)
Web Chair
Anu Shrestha, Boise State University (USA)
Social Media Chair
Rafaela Tabasnik, UNISINOS University (Brazil)

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