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[Commlist] CFP: Technology Justice: The Theories and Practices of Freedom June 16 and 17:::Coventry University
Fri Mar 11 13:37:54 GMT 2022
*Centre for Postdigital Cultures 2022 Conference***
*Technology Justice: The Theories and Practices of Freedom***
*June 16 and 17***
*Coventry University***
The Centre for Postdigital Cultures
<https://www.coventry.ac.uk/research/areas-of-research/postdigital-cultures/> (CPC)
invites you to their annual conference, this year on the theme of
‘*Technology Justice: The Theories and Practices of Freedom’.*This event
will take place at Coventry University over the course of two days, with
keynote speakers, panel sessions, research showcases, and networking
events. There will be limited remote and hybrid access for those who
want to attend virtually, although we anticipate all panels and keynotes
to be held in person.
*Conference theme:***
While the concept of liberation technology has often been defined by the
opportunities for democracy enabled by Web 2.0 content creation, cyber
utopias, social media and mobile tech, we are interested in thinking
through liberation as both theory and practice, to open up a platform
for interrogating, imagining, and/doing together/in a way that both
resists injustice, but also calls forward new questions such as:
* /Which are/remain/will be the technologies of liberation?/
* /What is/continues to be or will be freedom after and beyond 2020?/
* /How could freedom or liberation be practiced and regenerated by the
technical selves and collectives of the future?/
While both liberation and, more importantly, freedom hold a
philosophical framework based in the Eurocentric Enlightenment project,
we are interested in discovering what lies beyond. In other words, and
in the words of SA Smythe, “how do we think about technologies as
various techniques, tools, or modalities for collective liberation?”[1]
<applewebdata://493ECE65-07B4-4742-82BA-6ED7A2994B9E#_ftn1>We take
“technology” here to mean far more than the tools of electronic and
digital life; technology is culture itselfand rooted in the different
matrices of knowledge humans develop about themselves, or what Michel
Foucault identified as the technologies of production, signs, power, and
the self.[2]
<applewebdata://493ECE65-07B4-4742-82BA-6ED7A2994B9E#_ftn2>Indeed, we
are indebted to the genealogies of liberation espoused by Franz Fanon,
Paolo Freire, Angela Davis and more, that neither begin nor end with the
digital, but also consider more broadly the connections between racism;
sexism, heterosexism, and cissexism; classism; ableism; capitalism, and
other forms of injustice through which technology becomes the instrument
of both oppression/and/resistance. At the same time, we are inspired to
what Ashon Crawley calls “otherwise possibility,”[3]
<applewebdata://493ECE65-07B4-4742-82BA-6ED7A2994B9E#_ftn3>and the need
to interrogate the determinisms that suggest technology is either
entirely to blame, OR our last and best hope.
We welcome contributions that address both the possibilities and
pitfalls of a postdigital justice paradigm, where the technologies of
gender, race, care, surveillance, abolition and containment,
humanitarianism, and community intersect and inform one another.
Potential topics might include (but are not limited to):
* polarization (of education/labour/healthcare)
* acceleration of data-based capitalism and governance
* technology and geopolitics
* climate justice and just energetic transition
* algorithmic bias and hegemony as barrier to justice
* digital work and safety (ie. seehttps://hackinghustling.org/
* design justice, as a theory and practice that “centers engagement of
communities in the design and development of technologies that
impact them”[4]
* alternative platforms and networks
* data sovereignty
* technology and (de)militarization
Submissions are welcomed both from individuals and for composed panels.
Individual proposals will be curated into panels earlyon, in the hopes
that panelists might begin to connect and discuss their respective
contributions before the conference. We are interested in how the
conference might bring together theorists and practitioners and
especially welcome proposals from graduate students, artists, community
workers, designers, activists, and academics of all kinds.
Please submit a 300 word abstract, artist statement, or portfolio, along
with a 150 word bio (tocpcconference /at/ coventry.ac.uk)
<mailto:(cpcconference /at/ coventry.ac.uk)>by April 15, 2022.
For more information please (contactcpcconference /at/ coventry.ac.uk)
<mailto:(cpcconference /at/ coventry.ac.uk)>or visit ourevents and registration
*Upozornění :*****
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