Archive for calls, August 2021

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[Commlist] CFA: Fire on Screen: media, cinema and video-storytelling

Sat Aug 14 08:39:44 GMT 2021

Call for Abstracts: Fire on the screen: media, cinema and video-storytelling

The 1st International Congress on Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature, November 3-7, 2021 (Valencia, Spain), will focus one session to media and film coverage of wildfires. You are invited to submit your proposal (short abstracts for oral presentations or posters).

Please find, following, the description and read the information about submissions and registering.

Congress site: <>

Call for Abstracts: <>(Deadline September 15^th , 2021)

*Session 9, Fire on the screen: media, cinema and video-storytelling.*

Media and popular culture are paying increasing attention to wildfires. Television and cinema, in particular, are reporting and representing forest fires in a variety of genres and formats. In recent years, with the proliferation of superfires, these representations also involve the spectacularization of forest fires by exploiting dramatic perspectives and the mediatization of firefighting. As well as providing entertainment, television networks and media spend an enormous amount of time and effort on reporting the tragedies caused by forest fires, sometimes replicating the aesthetics of drama and fiction. How do all these productions interact with scientific efforts to prevent and extinguish wildfires? Are journalistic or entertainment productions in tune with risk communication premises?

This session is open to research work and reflections on how forest fires have been represented on screen. A call is made for studies on television coverage, reports and documentaries, as well as in-depth readings of cinematographic productions or more ethnographic approaches to working with video-storytelling. The session is also open to journalists, filmmakers, or producers who will talk about their experiences in covering forest fires. The call is open to:

- Analyses of audiovisual journalistic coverage of forest fires.

- Studies on the spectacularization or journalistic frames of wildfires.

- Close reading of documentaries and fictions focused on wildfires.

- Evidence on the impact and influence on audiences.

- Studies on audiovisual, TV or cinema productions, from documentaries to fictions.

Convener for the Session 9

Enric Castelló, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.((enric.castello /at/ <mailto:(enric.castello /at/>)

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