Archive for calls, March 2019

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[Commlist] CFP: Against the Grain: The Ethics, Poetics and Politics of Contrarian Speech

Thu Mar 28 20:26:16 GMT 2019

*Against the Grain: The Ethics, Poetics and Politics of Contrarian Speech*

Symposium at the University of Amsterdam, *5*^*th* *– 7*^*th* *June 2019*

Keynote speakers: Sarah Clancy, Jim Hicks, Frank Keizer

*Deadline for proposals: 15*^*th* *April 2019*

Dates: The event will commence in the late afternoon of 5^th June and end by early afternoon of 7^th June

A collaboration of ‘Contemporary Poetry and Politics’ (FFI2016-77584-P), The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, The Amsterdam Center for Globalization Studies, and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis.

Organizers: Cornelia Gräbner (Lancaster University), Joost de Bloois (University of Amsterdam).

Contrarianism gains momentum whenever a hegemony consolidates itself to such an extent that there is no longer space for the possibility of alternatives. The aims and the character of contrarian movements show themselves through the interplay of ethics, politics and poetics in concrete examples of contrarian speech and contrarian practices. With the symposium ‘Against the Grain: The Ethics, Poetics and Politics of Contrarian Speech’ we open up a space for the analytical exploration of this interplay, and for a sharing of practices that oppose both the /status quo/ of corporatism and neoliberalization, and the contrarian movements appropriating ‘free speech’ from the populist right, the alt-right, and neo-fascism.

Contrarianism can be a mode of getting to know the opponent from a committed position or perspective and, through this analytical practice, can produce dissident knowledges. Contrarianism can be a form of expression; in the face of a stifling hegemony, its poetics can nurture desires and open up new horizons. Contrarian practice can take many forms, among them opposition, resistance, dissent, non-cooperation, contestation, subversion, or sabotage. It can be practiced from within a system, from its margins, or from an outsider position. Today, contrarianism is also weaponized as a rhetorical strategy by political movements that seek to consolidate or radicalize existing power structures (be it regarding class, gender or race), or obfuscate their ruthless pursuit of their economic interests. The contrarian defiance of supposed ‘political correctness’ and the left-liberal ‘elite’ in no small measure has contributed to the success of such movements. This symposium, a collaboration between the research project ‘Contemporary Poetry and Politics’ (FFI2016-77584-P) and the University of Amsterdam, approaches contrarian speech by bringing together the poetic and the analytical, ethics and politics.

We specifically (but not exclusively) invite attention to the interplay of poetic and political sensibilities with discourses and practices of contrarian speech in the discussion of five thematic areas:


    *Dissent, Disobedience and Free Speech*: We invite contributions
    that explore the notion of ‘free speech’ in contexts where free
    speech is turned into a means of pacification, or where it is
    weaponized against minorities or by economic elites against imagined
    cultural elites. What does ‘contrarian speech’ mean in such
    contexts, how might its boundaries be defined and set?


    *Austerity and Precarity*: In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis
    and the subsequent ‘austerity’ measures that have been rolled out
    all over Europe, class differences and socio-economic precarity have
    increased substantially. Tremendous social suffering has been
    inflicted, and structural violence against vulnerable populations
    has been escalated, and the TINA (There Is No Alternative) ideology
    has strangulated the political imagination. The emergence of
    movements such as ‘Occupy, the Indignados or Nuit Debout indicates
    increasing resistance to neoliberal TINA (There Is No Alternative)
    ideology. We invite explorations of social justice and opposition to
    class privilege, contrarianism and right-wing populism, and even the
    alt-right and extreme right.


    *Crisis: *Hand-in-hand with the creation and perpetuation of social
    and political crisis comes the resurgence of discourses of security
    which appropriate and manipulate fear. We invite critical analyses
    of such discourses, and the role of contrarian speech in opposing
    these, whereby the analyses account for the consequences of social
    injustice, legal and political surveillance, and precarization.


    *Ecocriticism and Infrastructure*: We invite engagements with the
    ideologies of progress and modernity, with the practice of corporate
    power and the ideology of corporatism, with the ways in which
    infrastructures embed habituation and complacency into everyday life
    and perception, and with the expressions, practices and ecocritical
    approaches that go contrarian to it.


    *Creative Criticism*: This practice of knowledge and of writing goes
    contrarian to the ever more stringent, restrictive, constraining,
    disciplinarian and secretly ideological practices of academic
    writing that are being imposed on academics. Creative criticism gets
    to know its opponent progressively and, while opposing and
    subverting them, creates ‘Other’ writing practices that subvert the
    binary of creativity and criticism and create space for dissident


    *Anti-Fascism, the Alt-Right, and Right-Wing Populism: *Anti-fascist
    movements and anti-fascist artists and cultural organizers have
    always had to go against two opponents at the same time: the
    right-wing, populist and /or fascist movements and individuals that
    go contrarian to the status quo, /and/ to a status quo that is often
    marked by social injustice, that is usually hostile to anti-fascists
    and often, tolerant of fascist and right-wing populist movements. We
    invite explorations of such doubly contrarian practices and
    explorations, as well as of the ways in which fascist movements, the
    Alt-Right and right-wing populism pose as contrarian to the /status

Contributions may cover (but are not limited to):


    Contemporary political movements/events


Contemporary political art (i.e. poetry, literature, visual art, cinema)


    Media representations of contrarian speech


    Cultural/artistic representations of crisis/precarity/austerity


    Ecocritical dissidence


    Contrarianism, hegemony and conjuncture


    Far-right discourse on/as contrarianism


    Free speech, sexism and heteronormativity (i.e. online sexism and


    Media representations of ‘free speech’


    Free speech, contrarianism and the construction/limits of the public


    ‘Contrarian’ and ‘free speech’ as political trope


    Contrarianism as Foucauldian parreisia


    Contrarianism, dissent and social media


    Contrarianism and/as privilege


    Contrarianism as noise


    Class and contrarianism (i.e. class analysis, class struggle as


    Artistic and philosophical/theoretical responses to free speech


    Contrarianism/free speech and anti-terrorism (i.e. Erri de Luca’s
    work, the ‘Tarnac affair’)


    Free speech and racialized exclusion


    Contrarianism and sabotage


    Free speech, surveillance and contemporary governmentality


    Artistic and creative practices of ‘contrarianism’


    Poetry and crisis


    Assembly as contrarian practice (i.e. Nuit debout, Occupy)


    Contrarianism as ethics


    Contrarianism as crisis discourse (i.e. ecocritical voices,
    eco-politics, movements concerning climate change/extinction)


    Contrarianism and gender formation (i.e. on social media forums)


    Contrarianism and negativity


    Contrarianism as ethics of refusal and inoperativity


    Contrarianism as affirmative ethics/politics


    Contrarianism as -ism

*To submit a proposal please send a title, an abstract of 250 words and a short biography of 100 words by **15*^*th* *April to (dinolipoe /at/ <mailto:(dinolipoe /at/> *

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