Archive for calls, April 2017

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[ecrea] Call for chapter proposals: The Internet of Toys

Thu Apr 06 20:20:35 GMT 2017

Proposals are invited for chapters in a new edited collection on the topic of ‘*The Internet of Toys: Practices, Affordances and the Political Economy of Children’s Play*’**


Giovanna Mascheroni Ph.D. ((giovanna.masheroni /at/ <mailto:(giovanna.masheroni /at/>), Catholic University of Milan (Italy)

Donell Holloway, Ph.D. ((donell.holloway /at/ ), Edith Cowan University (Perth, Australia)


Chapter Proposals Submission Deadline: 1 June, 2017

Notification of acceptance: 30 June, 2017

Full Chapters Due: Jan 15, 2018

Review process: Jan 15 - March 15, 2018

Revisions Due: June 1, 2018

Deadline fully edited version to publisher: August 31, 2018


This book aims to examine the emerging world of internet-connected toys (Internet of Toys or IoToys), where toys relate one-on-one to children and also connect to other toys, other children and/or database data. Using a children’s digital rights framework (Livingstone and Third, 2017) the book takes a critical approach to the contexts in which internet-connected toys are used, designed, represented, researched and governed.

The book will interrogate the everyday practices and contexts of IoToys use by children in the home and in educational settings. It will also investigate research and design practices that shape the play, learning, social and communicative affordances of IoToys, together with privacy by design practices that protect children’s rights to participation and protection.

Emerging research strategies and approaches in investigating design processes, children’s practices and embodied experiences, and commercialisation of children’s data—as well methods that include children as active participants in the research process—will also be included. A final section will examine the commercial datafication and dataveillance (Lupton & Williamson, 2017) of children’s play, and the policy and regulatory landscape influencing the production and consumption of IoToys.


_Part I – Practices and Contexts_

  * Connected toys and everyday life
  * The domestication of IoToys in family life.
  * Children’s communicative and play practices.
  * IoToys and personalised learning experiences at home and school
  * Offline/online contexts of connected-toy play.
  * Embodied/disembodied practices of playing with IoToys.

_Part II – Design and the IoToys _

  * Designing play affordances
  * Provision for privacy and protection within toy design
  * Design methods with young children
  * Coding with IoToys
  * Individualised learning with IoToys

_Part III – Research strategies and approaches_

  * Researching IoToys use in everyday contexts
  * Research and design of IoToys
  * Researching cognitive and developmental effects of Iotoys
  * Researching multimodal literacies and the IoToys
  * Researching and tracking data flows
  * Researching digital materialities

_Part IV – Political Economy of the IoToys _

  * Policy developments and responses to emerging world of IoToys
  * Regulatory frameworks (gaps and recommendations)
  * The datafication and datasurveillance of children
  * Commercial governance and business models
  * Global/local geographies


Extended abstracts of 1,000-1,200 words including references should be sent *by June 1, 2017* to:

Giovanna Mascheroni ((giovanna.masheroni /at/ <mailto:(giovanna.masheroni /at/>) and Donell Holloway ((donell.holloway /at/ <mailto:(donell.holloway /at/>)

Chapter length, etc.

Commissioned chapters will be approximately 6,000 words. Style and referencing guides will be provided to authors whose chapter proposals are accepted. The editors reserve the right to negotiate chapter contents to avoid content crossover, duplication and gaps.

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