Archive for calls, March 2017

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[ecrea] CFP Journal Icono14 - Communications in the new marketing paradigm

Mon Mar 27 14:46:53 GMT 2017

*CFP Journal ICONO14: Communications in the new marketing paradigm.*

Vol.15, Núm 2

URL: <>

Editors: Francisco García and Manuel Gertrudix

Coordinators: Miguel Baños (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Joaquín de Aguilera (IE Business School)

Traditional marketing is dead and a new paradigm is emerging, which characteristics are being relational, co-creative and predominantly /pull/, where obtaining engagement plays a key role within a consumer-centric marketing.

This new marketing paradigm, together with new media consumption habits, inseparably implies a new way of communicating with consumers, in which traditional tools loose both effectiveness and efficiency, leading to a new set which respect freedom of access and consumption as well as dialogue with audiences. Opposite to interruption and repetition, marketing communications will focus on creating and distributing content relevant enough for the consumer as to him freely decide whether to access to it.

Customers and consumers experiences become more important than products themselves. Brands grow in relevance by investing in /engagement/ and in collaborating when the moment of truth.

Consumer journey becomes decentralized, as a series of non-linear micro moments, imitating consumer daily activity and communication and determining how companies become visible to the consumers as well as how they handle them along their journey.

But there is not a single type of consumer, and social sciences will contribute to better explain how people work, consume, buy, communicate, what do they value, etc.

A trend towards customization of experiences is growing, in which experiences will be based not only on static transactions profiles, but on dynamic data collected in real time, demanding a deep integration of content creation and distribution, CRM, marketing automation, social platforms and first class analytics.

Constant technology advance and development exponentially increases interchange possibilities. Blockchain technology as an example, which seems to be the one to revolution financial industry: instead of individual-based transactions, it converts both currency and goods into assets; each transaction becomes a micro-purchase around an account, without a need for authentication, which is directly generated by the assets themselves.

*Proposed lines of research*

·• Customer Experience
• Branded Content, Branded Entertainment, Content Marketing
• Native Advertising
• Inbound Marketing
• Customer Journey
• Data-driven Marketing
• Targeting & Personalization
• Marketing Automation
• Measurement, metrics and analytics
• Virtual reality, augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence
• Smart connected things (Internet of Things)
• Block Chain

    Online submissions

*To send your paper, *please go to - onlineSubmissions <> and follow indications.

    Important Dates

·*Deadline: 20 April 2017*

·Publication: July 2017

Manuel Gertrudix Barrio

Journal ICONO14

(Info /at/ <mailto:(Info /at/>


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