Archive for calls, February 2010

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[ecrea] CfP Workshop "E-Democracy and Political Communication", Dubrovnik (Croatia), 24-26 May 2010

Thu Feb 04 17:08:05 GMT 2010

Workshop: ?E-democracy and Political Communication?
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-26 May 2010

Organised by the Institute for New Media and Democracy

Supported by the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee 10
And in partnership with DEL research network

Call for papers

DEADLINE = 15 March 2010

IPSA's Research Committee 10 on Electronic democracy and the Institute for New Media and EDemocracy in partnership with Electronic Democracy (DEL) research network (<> announce call for papers for the upcoming IPSA Workshop on ?E-Democracy and Political Communication? that will be held in Dubrovnik, Inter University Center, Croatia from 24 to 26 May 2010. The Workshop is a part of the annual Information Technology and Journalism conference organised by the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and the Institute for New Media and E-Democracy.

The Workshop invites papers that focus on the following topics:
? E-campaigning
? On-line deliberation
? Internet and (re)conceptualisation of the public
? Internet and the empowerment of ?citizen-consumer?
? The role of the Internet in political engagement of youth
? The influence of different forms of on-line activism on political cynicism
? On-line and off-line campaigning: towards convergence or takeover?
? Internet and personalisation of politics
? Internet and the idea of civic (public) journalism
? Discussion on four different models of e-democracy: consumerist, plebiscitary, pluralist and participative

Paper proposals should list the author's name, address, university affiliations, telephone, fax, and email, followed by the paper's title and an abstract. All abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words. All paper proposals should be sent to <mailto:(ivona /at/>(ivona /at/

Submission deadline is 15 March 2010. All submissions will be reviewed by the Programme committee and acceptance notifications will be sent until 31 March 2010.

Participants who are not contributors (i.e. who do not propose a paper) can apply through our web site <> Application for non-contributors starts on 15 February 2010. Please note that the number of non-contributing participants is limited so we encourage you to apply as early as

For further information please visit: <>

Conference Chairs:
Prof. dr. Nenad Prelog (<mailto:(nenad /at/>(nenad /at/
Dr. Domagoj Bebi (<mailto:(domagoj /at/>(domagoj /at/

Programme committee:
? Prof. dr. Harald Baldersheim, member of the IPSA RC10 board (University of Oslo, Institute
for statsvitenskap)
? Prof. dr. Norbert Kersting, chair of the IPSA RC10 board (Stellenbosch University,
Department of Political Science)
? Prof. dr. Nenad Prelog, Institute for New Media and E-democracy and University of Zadar,
Department of Communication and Tourism
? Prof. dr. Damir Boras, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Information
? Prof. dr. Robert M. Hayes, University of California Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education
and Information Studies
? Prof. dr. Robert P. Bergland, Missouri Western State University, Department of English,
Foreign Languages and Journalism
? Prof. dr. Stjepan Malovi , University of Dubrovnik, Department of Media Studies and University
of Zadar, Department of Communication and Tourism
? Prof. dr. Josip Vidakovi , University of Zadar, Department of Communication and Tourism
? dr. Marijana Grbe?a, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science

Organising committee: dr. Domagoj Bebi (<mailto:(domagoj /at/>(domagoj /at/, Institute for New Media and
Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Zagreb

Contact Details:
Prof. dr. Nenad Prelog (president) <mailto:(nenad /at/>(nenad /at/ Domagoj Bebi (secretary general) <mailto:(domagoj /at/>(domagoj /at/ Ivona Gelo (Communication Coordinator) <mailto:(ivona /at/>(ivona /at/

?ibenska 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
t: 01 307 9113 f: 01 307 9113
<mailto:(domagoj /at/>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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