Archive for calls, April 2009

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[ecrea] Call for Papers: 'Invisible Television'

Tue Apr 07 17:04:52 GMT 2009

Proposals for papers are invited for a forthcoming special edition of Critical Studies in Television (<> to be published in Spring 2010.

Invisible Television
Certain television programmes get watched by lots of people (Top Gear, New Tricks, Antiques Roadshow, Emmerdale): certain programmes get written about a lot (The Office, Big Brother, The Wire). This means that some television programmes are far more visible to the academic and critical community than others. This special edition aims to offer space for such invisible programmes to be explored, offering new models for the critical enquiry of television, as well as examining why it is that there so often seems to be a disparity between what mass audiences watch and what the academy chooses to write about. While this topic may be of concern to global studies of television, this issue aims to focus on television in the UK as an initial case study for these debates.

Proposals are invited that explore: specific programmes conventionally invisible to academic writing; particular genres conventionally invisible to academic writing; debates concerning the misfit between academic consumption of television and that of mass audiences; methodological debates relevant to visibility and invisibility; consequences of visibility and invisibility; other relevant approaches and issues. The editors are particularly keen to receive proposals on Antiques Roadshow; New Tricks; wildlife documentaries; My Family; The One Show.

Note: submissions have already been commissioned on soap operas; Top Gear; The Bill; issues of access via DVD; issues of 'quality' in television drama; and the relationships between teaching and invisibility.

Please forward 200-word proposals by 4 May 2009 to Brett Mills (<mailto:(brett.mills /at/>(brett.mills /at/; any enquiries to this address also. Completed articles of 5-6,000 words will have a submission deadline of 5 October 2009, for publication in Spring 2010.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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