Archive for calls, April 2008

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Tue Apr 29 06:57:12 GMT 2008

>Please kindly circulate this conference 
>information within your department/service.
>Summer School in Media and Nationalism
>Dear all
>We have received a good response to attend in 
>this course or participate in the Seminar of the 
>course which takes place next July - there are 
>still some places left. If you would like to 
>attend or/and participate, please check the 
>updated information in the website: 
>If you are interested in participating in the 
>Seminar with an own doctorate paper, please 
>email to Cristina Perales 
>((cristina.perales /at/ for further information about deadlines.
>Please, forward this message to anyone who might be interested. Thank you.
>Call for papers
>An international meeting, Vic (Barcelona, Spain), 7 - 11 July 2008
>We are pleased to invite postgraduate students, 
>doctoral students and researchers to participate 
>in the Summer School in Media & Nationalism 2008 
>in Vic, Barcelona (Spain), which will be held from 7th to 11th July 2008.
>The Summer School in Media & Nationalism will 
>bring together members of the Catalan, Basque, 
>Northern Irish and Scottish research 
>communities, and others, around a programme of 
>discussions on themes of the media, 
>communication, nationalism, politics and conflict.
>The Summer School consists of five full days of 
>lectures from invited experts, together with a 
>series of parallel seminar presentations for 
>accepted papers to be held, in principle, on the Tuesday afternoon.
>The Summer School will thus be a forum providing 
>support for scholars and researchers, through 
>discussion and seminar presentation feedback. 
>The Summer School aims to provide a supportive 
>international setting where doctoral students 
>can present their work, receive feedback on 
>their Ph.D. projects from international experts, 
>and meet students and academics from other countries.
>The working language of the Summer School will be English.
>Each seminar will run for about 3 hours.
>Each paper will be introduced by the Chair. 
>Participants will give a 15-minute presentation 
>on their research. For a further 15 minutes 
>another participant will respond to the paper, 
>adopting the role of 'opponent', offering 
>constructive criticism of the paper and its 
>contents. Guest academics and researchers will 
>also be called on to take part in these discussions.
>Stateless nations play an important role in the 
>era of globalisation and can aspire to take part 
>in diverse political institutions.
>In a European framework that legitimises and 
>reinforces the nation state as the main 
>political agent in the European Union, regions 
>with nationalist claims are seeking to clarify 
>their political future, satisfy their 
>aspirations (sovereignty or greater autonomy) 
>and become full members of the supra-state structure.
>Autonomous development can be shaken by the 
>outbreak of violence, combined inevitably with 
>anthropological, political, sociological and 
>communicative difficulties. The study of these 
>factors is of key importance in the treatment 
>and possible resolution of violent or non-violent national conflict.
>Taking four paradigmatic cases, Northern 
>Ireland, Scotland, the Basque Country and 
>Catalonia, we aim to share and discuss our experience and methodology.
>Participants presenting papers
>When applying to participate, you should send 
>(Cristina Perales: 
><mailto:(cristina.perales /at/>(cristina.perales /at/ 
>a brief CV and academic profile (maximum of 15 
>lines), together with an abstract of 
>presentation or research project (maximum of 250 
>words), which should deal with one or more of the following issues:
>    * The media and national conflict
>    * The media and identity
>    * The media and nationalism
>The deadline for applications is 18 MAY 2008
>Notification of acceptance will be sent by 25 MAY 2008
>Accepted participants should enrol BY 13 JUNE 
>2008 by completing and forwarding the enrolment 
>form on the Summer School website.
>If your abstract is accepted, you will be asked 
>to send a full 10-page (3000-word) paper, 
>identifying the methodological, theoretical and 
>practical considerations on which you wish to 
>receive feedback. Deadline for submission of full paper: 13 June 2008.
>Based on the abstracts and titles of other 
>papers, participants will be asked to choose up 
>to 3 papers they would be interested in 
>responding to. These preferences will be taken 
>into consideration when drawing up seminar groups.
>By the time of the Summer School, all 
>participants should have prepared their oral 
>presentations (maximum 15 minutes).
>Cristina Perales
>Dept. Comunicació Digital
>Sagrada Família, 7
>08500  Vic
>Barcelona (Spain)
>Tel. 00 34 938 816 169
>(cristina.perales /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43  - B-1000 Brussel - Belgium
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