Archive for calls, April 2008

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[ecrea] Call for papers book Health Communication South Africa

Tue Apr 08 21:36:50 GMT 2008

>Call for Papers
>We cordially invite scholars working in the 
>areas of Health Communication or Education to 
>submit papers to be published in a proposed peer-reviewed book entitled:
>Communicating health in emerging countries: 
>Alternative media and appeals in <?xml:namespace 
>prefix = st1 ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Southern Africa
>Luuk Lagerwerf, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
>Henk Boer, University of Twente, Netherlands
>Herman Wasserman, Stellenbosch University, South 
>Africa, and Newcastle University, United Kingdom
>Series editor:
>Harry Wels, SAVUSA (South  African Vrije Universiteit Strategic Alliances)
>Publisher and series information
>South Africa - Vrije Universiteit - Strategic 
>Alliances (SAVUSA) is a VU University institute 
>developed to stimulate academic cooperation 
>between VU University faculties and universities 
>in South Africa by facilitating projects and 
>scientific publications on both staff and 
>student level. The SAVUSA Editorial and Liaison 
>Office can coordinate the entire process from 
>manuscript to published book by offering editing 
>and formatting, as well as liaising services.
>Publications in the SAVUSA series include:
>Sandra Evers, Marja Spierenburg and Harry Wels 
>(Eds) (2005). Competing Jurisdictions. Settling 
>land claims in Africa. Leiden: Brill publishers
>Keyan Tomaselli (2006). Encountering Modernity. 
>20th Century South African cinemas. Amsterdam: 
>Rozenberg publishers; Pretoria: Unisa press.
>Henk van den Heuvel, Mzamo Mangaliso and Lisa 
>van de Bunt (Eds) (2007). Prophecies and 
>Protests: Ubuntu in glocal management. 
>Amsterdam: Rozenberg publishers; Pretoria: Unisa press.
>Netsayi Noris Mudege (2008). An Ethnography of 
>Knowledge: The production of knowledge in 
>Mupfurudzi resettlement scheme, Zimbabwe. Leiden: Brill publishers.
>Website Contact: Saskia Stehouwer, (savusa /at/
>Most health communication research is conducted 
>in the Western world, assuming good 
>technological infrastructures and without 
>specific attention for cultural differences. In 
>the proposed book, we try to present an overview 
>of communication channels and strategies 
>accounting for specific conditions in emerging 
>countries. These conditions may lead to new 
>opportunities and insights in health 
>communication. Emerging countries like South 
>Africa are making a leapfrog development in 
>Information and Communication Technologies, 
>enabling social movements to create activist 
>networks and support groups through the internet 
>(Wasserman, 2005). Whereas an assumption of 
>cultural homogeneity is not valid anymore for 
>Western societies (Kreuter, Lukwago, Bucholtz, 
>Clark, & Sanders-Thompson, 2003), in dynamic 
>multicultural societies like South Africa it is 
>simply impossible to maintain it.
>             We expect that health communication 
> researchers in emerging countries will have 
> developed inventive and tailor-made approaches 
> to health education and behavioral change. 
> Earlier examples of the kinds of research we 
> are hoping to present include the differential 
> effects of  visuals in HIV/AIDS communication 
> when individuals levels of literacy are 
> considered; (Carstens, Maes, & Gangla-Birir, 
> 2006); predictive models of condom use 
> intention among South African adolescents (Boer 
> & Mashamba, 2005); effects of alternative ways 
> of presenting health information (James et al., 
> 2005). In general, the proposed book is 
> interested in new communication media (SMS, 
> online social networking, video sites), 
> alternative communication strategies (portrayal 
> effects, specific appeals), and relevant 
> distinctions between target groups (gender in 
> specific cultures, invisible groups).
>Paper characteristics
>The scientific approach will be 
>interdisciplinary. Contributions are not 
>restricted to specific methodologies, but should 
>meet scholarly norms within a chosen discipline, 
>provide appropriate answers to the research 
>question, and present proper analyses of data.
>             The books topic is focused 
> primarily on health communication concerning 
> HIV/AIDS in South Africa. However, book 
> chapters are not restricted to either HIV/AIDS 
> or South Africa. Contributions dealing with 
> other epidemic diseases or reporting about 
> other emerging countries are possible, as long 
> as a link with the books topic can be 
> demonstrated, e.g. through a comparative study.
>Review procedure and time schedule
>Submitted papers will be reviewed by two blind 
>and anonymous peer reviewers. Contributors may 
>indicate whether they want to act as a reviewer. 
>Responses to the author include accept with 
>minor revision, accept with major revision, or reject.
>Deadline submission Papers: June,23, 2008
>Review notification: September, 22, 2008
>Resubmission deadline: November, 2008
>Book due for release in the beginning of 2009.
>Paper submission guidelines
>Papers have a maximum size of 8000 words, 
>excluding references, tables, and figures. We 
>request the authors to follow the guidelines in 
>the Publication Manual of the American 
>Psychological Association (Fifth Edition). APA 
>guidelines are very specific in the format of 
>the papers structure, style, citations, 
>references, tables, and figures. It is important 
>to consult APA guidelines if authors do not have experience with this style.
>             Papers can be submitted in 
> Microsoft Word or PDF format. If in PDF format, 
> the title page should be submitted separately 
> from the rest of the paper, to ensure blind review.
>Submit the paper to (savusa /at/, with 
>reference to the proposed title of the book.
>Boer, H., & Mashamba, M. T. (2005). Psychosocial 
>correlates of HIV protection motivation among 
>black adolescents in Venda, South Africa. AIDS 
>Education and Prevention, 17(6), 590-602.
>Carstens, A., Maes, A. A., & Gangla-Birir, L. 
>(2006). Understanding visuals in HIV/AIDS 
>education in South Africa: differences between 
>literate and low-literate audiences. African 
>Journal of AIDS Research 5(3), 221-232.
>James, S., Reddy, S. P., Ruiter, R. A. C., 
>Taylor, M., Jinabhai, C. C., Van Empelen, P., et 
>al. (2005). The effects of a systematically 
>developed photo-novella on knowledge, attitudes, 
>communication and behavioural intentions with 
>respect to sexually transmitted infections among 
>secondary school learners in South Africa. 
>Health Promotion International, 20, 157-165.
>Kreuter, M. W., Lukwago, S. N., Bucholtz, D. C., 
>Clark, E. M., & Sanders-Thompson, V. (2003). 
>Achieving cultural appropriateness in health 
>promotion programs: Targeted and tailored 
>approaches. Health Education & Behavior, 30(2), 133-146.
>Wasserman, H. (2005). Renaissance and 
>resistance: Using ICTs for social change in 
>Africa. African Studies, 64(2), 177-199.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43  - B-1000 Brussel - Belgium
Sponsored links ;)
Understanding Alternative Media
by Olga Bailey, Bart Cammaerts, Nico Carpentier
(December 2007)
Participation and Media Production. Critical Reflections on Content Creation.
Edited by Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen
(January 2008)

European Communication Research and Education Association
ECREA's Second European Communication Conference
Barcelona, 25-28 November 2008
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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