Archive for calls, June 2003

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[eccr] Fwd: Image & Critique Conference

Mon Jun 09 12:19:05 GMT 2003

>[Apologies for any cross-posting]
>Invitation to attend and international conference for theorists & 
>IMAGE & CRITIQUE: Image - Thought - Text
>Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th September 2003
>University of Nottingham (UK)
>Plenary Speakers include: W.J.T. Mitchell; James Elkins; Gillian Rose; 
>Marquard Smith
>Full details and registration forms available at: 
>A significant intellectual and political shift has directed focus away 
>from textuality, towards visuality and the image, but to what extent has 
>this moved us on in our approach to images, and the theory that comes 
>after?  This conference seeks to question the apparent contest between 
>images and text associated with this shift, a contest that frequently 
>impels academics and practitioners to privilege one side or the other. In 
>bringing together key international theorists from across a range of 
>disciplines, along with a number of innovative artists and practitioners 
>whose work incorporates and challenges the relationship between image and 
>text, the conference will assess the role of images in cultural and 
>political critique. Three inter-relating sessions will explore issues of: 
>(1) Visual theory; (2) Visual rhetoric; and (3) Visual literacy.
>Additional activities include: a practical workshop, 'Figuring out 
>Thinking', in which participants will be encouraged to experiment with the 
>formation of critical image constellations, and a film screening of the 
>work of arts collective Blast Theory, whose use of virtual environments 
>and complex visual constellations pose questions of the ideologies present 
>in the visual and digital informations that envelop us.
>All enquiries contact:
>Sunil Manghani
>Nottingham Institute for Research in Visual Culture
>Dept. of Art History
>University of Nottingham
>Lakeside Arts Centre
>University Park. NG7 2RD
>Tel. no: 0115 951 3185
>Fax no: 0115 951 3194
>e-mail: (sunil.manghani /at/
>* Please do pass this information on to anyone it may interest - many thanks!

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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