Archive for calls, April 2003

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[eccr] Women and the Information Society - Athens Conference 5-6 May 2003

Fri Apr 04 13:01:27 GMT 2003

Title: Women and the Information Society - Athens Conference 5-6 May 2003
Women and the Information Society - Athens Conference 5-6 May 2003

The Greek presidency identified ³Women in the Information Society² as a priority theme of its activities in the area of gender equality.  Within this framework, a high level European Conference is organized coinciding with an Informal Ministerial Meeting.  The conference will focus on two inter-connected aspects relevant to Women in the Information Society:  Inclusion and Participation.

The event will be covering the 15 Member States, the EFTA and Candidate countries participating in the Gender Equality Programme.  It targets senior officials responsible for gender equality, the employment and social dimension in the Information Society, representatives of  social partners negotiating collective agreements on life-long learning and gender equality and other relevant actors.

An Informal Ministerial Meeting will follow the conference in order to draw appropriate political orientations.  The conclusions of the ministerial meeting will be consequently fed in the Competitiveness Council of the 9th of May 2003.

There is no web site available yet but you might get some information via the Greek Presidency link at

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