Archive for calls, June 2002

(From 2002 until 2005, this mailing list was called the ECCR mailing list)
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Call for nominations of Executive Board members of the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR)

Sat Jun 01 14:40:50 GMT 2002

Title: Call for nominations of Executive Board members of the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR)

Call for nominations of Executive Board members of the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR)

The European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR) was officially launched on 31 March 2000 during a Constitutive Conference in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
The meeting of about 100 delegates from 20 countries approved the Statutes of the International Association and appointed the following Executive Board members: Divina Frau-Meigs (from France), Ekkehard Mochmann (Germany), Vincent Porter (Treasurer, UK), Katharine Sarikakis (Secretary, Greece), Jan Servaes (President, Belgium), Elena Vartanova (Russia), and Juhani Wiio (Finland).
The ECCR got registered as an International Association with Scientific and Educational Aims under Belgian law by the Royal Decree of 17 September 2000 (Nr 7/EGLS/14.552/S).

The first ever General Assembly of the ECCR will be held during the International Conference ³Mass Media and Communications in the e-Society of the 21st Century: Access and Participation², in Moscow, Russia, 17-20 October 2002. This International Conference  is organized by the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR) in association with the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Adhering to the principles of democracy and transparency the Executive Board of the ECCR has decided to organize new elections for an ECCR Executive Board during the Moscow conference. Therefore, we hereby issue a call for nominations of Executive Board members of the European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR).

Please send your nominations by regular or electronic mail before July 1, 2002, to Jan Servaes, President ECCR, POBox 106, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium or (freenet002 /at/

Only registered ECCR members are entitled to be nominated and to nominate others.

For more details, consult the ECCR statutes on our website


ECCR - European Consortium for Communications Research
Secretariat: P.O.Box 106,   B-1210 Brussels 21, Belgium
Tel.: +32-2-412 42 47                        Fax.: +32-2-412 42 00
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(freenet002 /at/> or <(Rico.Lie /at/>
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