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[Commlist] Obra Digital nr. 26 published > Exploring the Dimensions of Video Games and Contemporary Research in Latin America
Thu Dec 19 17:00:42 GMT 2024
we are pleased to inform you that Issue No. 26 (2024) of the journal
Obra Digital, with the monographic entitled ' Exploring the Dimensions
of Video Games and Contemporary Research in Latin America' has been
published. The monographic section has been edited by Dr. Blanca Estela
López (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), Dr. Ruth S. Contreras
Espinosa (University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia) and Dr.
Ángel Garfias (National Autonomous University of Mexico). The
publication is open access and can be consulted here: Obra Digital
(uvic.cat) <https://revistesdigitals.uvic.cat/index.php/obradigital/>
The table of contents is given below:
New Frontiers in Game Studies, Digital Citizenship and Cultural
Exploring the Dimensions of Video Games and Contemporary Research in
Latin America
Blanca López, Ruth Sofía Contreras Espinosa, José Ángel Garfias Frías
Videogames as a communicative tool for raising awareness of humanitarian
crises: Exploratory Study on Itch.io
Angel Torres-Toukoumidis, Diego Vintimilla-Leon, Willian Zambrano Naranjo
A methodology for game studies in five steps: adapting game analysis for
the Brazilian context
Nilson Valdevino Soares
The expansion of transmedia narratives in the video games of streaming
companies. Video games on Netflix: Stranger Things 1984 and Narcos:
Cartel Wars Unlimited
Ana Sixchel Galicia Martínez
Composition as a ludic and horror element in Resident Evil (2002)
Adrián Ávila Pérez
Transcending realities: a typology of immersiveness
Julio Broca, Dominik Wilhelm
Media diet of future secondary education teachers in Spain: trust,
polarization, locus of control, and self-perceived informational skills
Hibai López-González, Judit Sabido-Codina, Jorge Franganillo, Daniel
Hurtado , Elvira Barriga-Ubed
Digital transformation of societies with the use of digital identity: a
case study in Turkey
Sevgi Kavut
Representation of the LGBTIQ+ community in Ecuadorian TV series
Catalina González-Cabrera, Andrea Vélez Párraga
Screens at play, a journey through the media relations between video
games and cinematography
Blanca López
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