Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] Tenure-track position in Communication - Tel-viv University

Sun Dec 08 21:48:09 GMT 2024

*Position at the School of Social and Policy Studies *

Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University Israel

December 2024

The School of Social and Policy Studies at Tel Aviv University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track, open-rank position within the DAN Department of Communication starting October 1st, 2025(July 2025appointment is possible by request). Successful applicants must have expertise in Communication and Media studies or related fields.

The School of Social and Policy Studies is composed of four departments: Communication, Labor Studies, Public Policy, and Sociology/Anthropology and is part of the Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University. It combines research and teaching in a wide range of fields of social sciences. The school has a strong commitment to multidisciplinary research and teaching, and offers opportunities for interactions with many departments and research units on and off campus. It has a rich tradition of high-level, internationally recognized research and teaching.

The candidate must have a PhD degree or expect to be awarded a doctoral degree by October 2025, in communication or related fields, with a proven record of excellent research and publications. Post-doctoral experience is desirable.

The position includes teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level (both existing and self-developed courses), supervision of graduate students, and pursuing high quality research based on grants received from competitive local and international foundations. Teaching at Tel Aviv University is primarily in Hebrew, and candidates must be able to teach courses in Hebrew within three years of their appointment.

Screening and assessment of the candidates will be based on their academic excellence, their teaching performance, and the relevance of their research and teaching fields to the school and to the DAN Department of Communication, based on Tel Aviv University’s standards. The best candidates’ applications will be submitted to the relevant academic institutions for approval.

The rank of the applicants will be determined based on their achievements. Specialization fields include, _but are not limited to_:

  * Computational social sciences
  * Critical data studies (e.g., platformization, AI)
  * Visual communication
  * Advertising and public relations

Qualified applicants should submit:

  * A complete CV in the format required by the University’s academic
    secretary (https://acad- <https://acad->
  * A list of research and teaching interests (1-2 pages)
  * A detailed statement of research achievements and projects (2-3 pages)
  * A sample of three papers (published or accepted for publication)
  * The names and contact details (including full address, phone number,
    and email address) of three academic referees (one recommendation
    letter may be sent by the referee directly to the head of the
    selection committee).
  * Teaching evaluations (if such exist)

Tel Aviv University is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

All materials relevant to the application should be sent by February 14, 2025 to Dr. Sandrine Boudana (subject: TAU2025) at: (sandrine /at/ <>

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