Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] Call for Film Reviews in the European Review for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS)

Mon Dec 02 11:25:56 GMT 2024

*Call for Film Reviews**in the /European Review for Latin American and Caribbean Studies/ (/ERLACS/)*

If you are interested in writing a review of a feature-length documentary (minimum 40 minutes) from and/or about Latin America and the Caribbean, released in the past two years, please submit a brief proposal to our Film Review Editors, Dr. Emiel Martens ((e.s.martens /at/ <mailto:(e.s.martens /at/>)  and Dr. Débora Povoa ((povoa /at/ <mailto:(povoa /at/>). Your proposal should include the documentary’s title, its director(s) and producer(s), your motivation for reviewing the film, and a short bio (including your experience, affiliation, and contact information).Film reviews must be written in English and should be 800 to 1,000 words long. Upon approval of your proposal, you will receive specific guidelines for structuring and formatting your review. Once the review is completed, you’ll have to submit the (Word) document via email to both editors. Then, there will be a few rounds of feedback with (one of) our editors, and the review will be published once the editing process has been completed.There are no fixed deadlines. Once your review is completed and the proofs are approved, ERLACS will publish the content online. The review will also appear in one of ERLACS’ two ongoing issues: January-June or July-December, and each review will receive its own DOI (digital object identifier).

*To contact the ERLACS film review editors*

For further details or to discuss opportunities for a film review (essay), please contact Dr. Emiel Martens ((e.s.martens /at/ <mailto:(e.s.martens /at/>) and Dr. Débora Povoa ((povoa /at/ <mailto:(povoa /at/>).

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