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[Commlist] Call for Submissions: International Journal of Fashion Studies Emerging Scholar Award 2025

Fri Nov 29 18:42:31 GMT 2024

Call for Submissions: International Journal of Fashion Studies Emerging Scholar Award 2025

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Following the success of the inaugural edition of the award in 2023, which saw broad participation, the International Journal of Fashion Studies is pleased to announce that we are now accepting entries for the International Journal of Fashion Studies Emerging Scholar Award 2025. This award is designed to encourage research in emerging, innovative and under-researched areas of fashion theory and practice.

We are looking to reward work that rigorously extends the parameters of current thinking within fashion studies. Submissions on all relevant areas are welcome, but we particularly invite articles considering the following areas:

●Fashion as a global industry and practice: the global dynamics of fashion, focusing on how fashion is produced, distributed, and consumed across international networks in the context of globalization.

●Fashion and its role in shaping individual and social identities: the relationship between fashion, personal expression, and the construction of social identities, examining how dress reflects and shapes individual and collective identities.

●Dress as material culture: understanding clothing as a form of material culture, exploring its deep connections with the body, emotions, memory, and the imagination.

●Fashion’s multiple unsustainabilities and their potential transformations: critical reflections on fashion’s environmental and social challenges, and innovative ideas on how these issues are being or could be re-envisioned.

●Digital fashion cultures: the impact of evolving digital communication technologies, including artificial intelligence and influencer culture, on how fashion is created, shared, and experienced.

●Fashion and politics: the role of fashion in political movements, activism, and expressions of power and resistance.

●Intersectionality in fashion: how fashion intersects with ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, and ability, and how these dynamics shape fashion practices and representations

Submission is open to Ph.D. students and early career researchers (ECR), defined as those who obtained their Ph.D. degree within the last five years (i.e., awarded no earlier than January 2020). We will prioritize first-time applicants.

The winning article will receive a €500 award (this amount is to be intended per article, not per author) and will be published in the journal following a double-blind peer-review process. Other submissions will also be considered for publication in the journal with the editorial board providing constructive feedback on any papers of interest, allowing them to undergo the peer-review process.

Submission Guidance:

Articles (6000–8000 words, including references and notes) must be submitted by 1 June 2025and should be sent directly to Dr Karena de Perthuis, Co-Editor-in-Chief ((k.deperthuis /at/ <mailto:(k.deperthuis /at/>), with the subject line ‘International Journal of Fashion Studies Emerging Scholar Award’.

Please consult the ‘Notes for Contributors’ document available for download at the following link for guidance on how to format your article ( <>) and the Intellect Style Guide ( <>).

The winner of theInternational Journal of Fashion StudiesEmerging Scholar Award will be notified by31 November 2025.

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