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[Commlist] Fwd: CFP: Visual Pasts Material Presents Archival Futures: Postcolonial temporalities in the making

Wed Nov 27 19:31:12 GMT 2024

*_Visual Pasts Material Presents Archival Futures: POSTCOLONIAL TEMPORALITIES IN THE MAKING_*

*Graduate conference (PhDs and ECRs) at University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK*

*19-20 May 2025*

/Supported by the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership and the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas/

*Call for Papers *

This conference aims to bring together current research on visual, material and archival collections and explore the ways in which their materiality is shaped by time and place. Held in museums and archives, objects, natural specimens, human remains, photographs, films, sounds, drawings, documents and more embody the disruption created by missionaries, militaries, colonial officers, scientists, explorers or humble travellers in territories which endured colonisation. Through the act of collecting, classifying, storing and exhibiting, museums, anthropology and imperial politics shaped an ethnographic present in order to dominate colonised peoples, whose own temporalities had no space to exist. This conference will explore how accessing archives and museum collections can enable communities to recover their past and rekindle “alternative stories” (Tuhiwai-Smith 1999) as well as disrupt the discourses constructed by Western views (Modest & Pels 2024). Speakers are encouraged to think about how current research and practice on visual, material and archival colonial collections can reveal what Ariella Aïsha Azoulay calls ‘potential histories’: ways of creating relationships with the past – through archives – which reject “the imperial apparatus” of colonisation (2019:43).

By looking at the ongoing engagement of museums and archives with their colonial legacy – with people and through research –, this conference aims to tackle the broader project of the postcolonial as not only a period but a new time-consciousness that recognises this entanglement of temporalities (Mbembe 2001). With this conference we would like to address the following questions: Which potential histories and futures do visual, material and archival collections hold? How do objects, images and archives relate to and shape notions of temporality? How can materiality reveal different versions of history and disrupt dominant narratives? What are the means through which alternative stories are revealed (contemporary arts, returns, collaborative projects, etc.)? Can they help reconsider the notions of colonial and postcolonial? How do these alternative narratives about materiality modify the spaces (museums, archives) in which collections are held?

*This conference is dedicated to PhD students and early-career researchers. *

We are delighted to welcome *Professor Wayne Modest* as our guest speaker. Director of content at the Wereldmuseum and Head of the Research Center for Material Culture, Wayne Modest will introduce his new co-edited book Museum Temporalities: Time, History and the Future of Ethnographic Museum (April 2025 release), the first of its kind tackling the theme of temporality in museum lives and practices.

All participants and attendees will need to register in advance.

Fees, accommodation and information details will be shared after the end of the call for papers

*To Submit a paper: *

This conference aims to be interdisciplinary (museum studies, anthropology, art history, archaeology, history, cultural studies) and address the following topics: - Colonial archives - Historical/ethnographic/natural history museum collections - Colonial photography/visual culture - Contemporary approaches to colonial collections and archives - Collaborations between museums, archives and related communities - Restitutions

Proposals should include an abstract of 300 words, the name and affiliation of the speaker and a short biography of no more than 200 words, and be emailed to ( /at/ <mailto:( /at/>  by 10th January 2025 end of the day.

*Grants Available: *

We are pleased to announce that the Sainsbury Research Unit for the arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas will be supporting three PhD students and/or ECRs by funding three awards to attend the event.

- Two grants worth approximately £300 will be awarded to UK or European PhD students or ECRs

- One grant worth approximately £800 will be awarded to an international PhD student or ECR

Applications for the grants must consist of the following:

- An abstract of no more than 300 words for your proposed paper - A biography of no more than 200 words

- A statement of no more than 200 words explaining why/how the attendance at the conference will be beneficial for your research

Proposals should be emailed to ( /at/ <mailto:( /at/> by 10th January 2025 end of the day

Any queries can be sent to ( /at/ <mailto:( /at/>

*About *

The conference is organised by *Clémentine Debrosse, Enzo Hamel and Garance Nyssen*, PhD students at the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas (SRU) at the University of East Anglia, in Norwich. Based in the Sainsbury Centre, the SRU is a multidisciplinary research centre in which faculty, visiting fellows, research associates, postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate students conduct research across the three regions in archaeology, anthropology, art history and museum studies.

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