Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] Call for Proposals: Joint Screenwriting Research Network (SRN) Conference and Sightlines Festival 2025

Mon Nov 18 15:18:14 GMT 2024

Call for Proposals: Joint SRN Conference and Sightlines Festival 2025- HYPHEN

The University of South Australia is pleased to announce a combined Screenwriting Research Network <>conference, and Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy <>festival, to be held17-20 September 2025 in Adelaide, South Australia.

Since 2006 the Screenwriting Research Network hashosted an annual conference to explore innovative approaches and exciting research into the history, theory, practiceand teaching of screenwriting. This conference has travelled the world. Meanwhile, since 2014, Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy, a symposium/festival, has provided a forum to showcaseand discuss screen-based ‘non-traditional’research outputs. In 2024 we bring these two important communitiesand events together to explore crossoversand connections between theory, practiceand education.

The theme for the conference-festival is Hyphen.The between. The connected. The hybrid. What does the hyphen mean to you? What does it mean for practice? How does it appear in industry? What are the theoretical implications? From the practitioner-academic to the writer-director, to the creative-critical, to the teaching-research nexus, to documentary-drama, to the anti-hero, to the non-representational, we are interested in creative, critical and hybrid responses to the theme hyphen.

In this conference-festival we are keen to embrace a range of submissions that reflect the outputs of scholars, reflective practitioners, andcreative-practiceresearchers interested inscreenwritingand screen productionresearch, and showcasethe full range ofscreenwriting andscreen production that occurs within and between the higher education sector and industry, and across a breadth of platforms and methodologies.

We welcome submissions for in-personpresentations in the following formats:


    20-minute papers:

Presentations can include exhibition of screen production research in-progress or discussion of screenplay works.


    Pre-constituted panels:

Panels can include exhibitionof screen production research in-progress or discussionof screenplay works.


    Exhibition of creativescreen productionworks:

Screen productionoutputs to be accompanied by a short practitioner introduction and/or post-screening talk.


    Table read/performance of screenplays:

A screenplay or screenplay excerpt to be read/performed, accompanied by ashortpractitioner introduction.

Submission guidelines:

For Panels, please include a 100-word outline of the panel topic or theme under discussion.

For PanelsandPapersplease send a 300-word abstractoutlining eachpaper, 4-6 keywords, and the name and affiliation of each presenter/panellist.References are optional (maximum five). If you are citing sources,please use APA style.Please also include a short biography (100 words maximum) for each presenter/panellist.

For Exhibition of ScreenProductionWorks, please submita preview/excerptof your completed creative workvia online link.

For Table Read/Performanceof screenplays,please submita PDF.

For all screen works and scripts,please attach the accompanying information:

- Title

- Name of presenter and other relevant key creative contributors

- Medium/format

- Running time

- A 300-wordresearch statementthat contextualisesthe work. This may be a statement that explicates the background, significanceand contribution of the work. Thestatement should provide an understanding of the context of the work, the community of practice in which you are operating, any research question/s your work seeksto address, how the importance of the work can be understood, and/or how the impact of the work might be measured.Please also include a short biography of the presenter (100 words maximum).


Please send your proposals(and any queries)to (srn.sightlines2025 /at/ <mailto:(srn.sightlines2025 /at/>by Friday 14 February2025. Please await confirmation that your proposal has been received.

Conference organisers:Craig Batty, Michael Bentham, Carina Boehm, Sandy Cameron, Kath Dooleyand Kim Munro.

Please note that a separate call for creative works to be featured in a future issue of Sightlines:Filmmakingin the Academy journal will follow the conference-festival.

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