Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] CFP: Applied Tech: Teaching, Practice and Research Conference

Tue Apr 23 13:36:22 GMT 2024

PRAGUE - Research & Teaching Conference

Dates: 10 – 12 June, 2025
Place: Prague (+ virtual)
Abstracts: 10 July, 2024 (Round One)  |  30 Nov, 2024 (Round Two)


Involving academics from across the institutions of Prague and further afield, this conference builds on an academic history that spans back centuries to some of the earliest university in the Czech Republic. Bringing in academics from across the city, country and further afield, it expands its perspective to scenarios regionally and globally today.

Themes include, but are not limited to:
-The use of technologies in our cities
-The application of scientific knowledge to industry
-Examinations of best practice teaching using AI
-Critiques of the effects of technology on communities -Case studies on the application of technologies and medias in the arts -The first-hand documentation of technology in the classroom, our cities and our homes

Organisers & Publishers:

Czech Technical University | Routledge, Taylor and Francis | AMPS | Cambridge Scholars Publishing


*Upozornění :*****

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