Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] contemporary LGBTQ+ television representations

Thu Mar 21 15:21:45 GMT 2024

*New documentary on contemporary LGBTQ+ television representations by Katherine Sender *

Katherine Sender (2023) /Beyond the Straight and Narrow: Queer and Trans Television in the Age of Streaming/. Media Education Foundation 72 minutes.

/Beyond the Straight and Narrow: Queer and Trans Television in the Age of Streaming/ (Media Education Foundation, 2023) is the third in Katherine Sender’s documentaries that help us understand transformations in LGBTQ+ representations on US television. It reflects on gay and lesbian television narratives in 2010, before the streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime began producing their own original content. While more plentiful than in earlier years, these shows were constrained by broadcast and cable distribution and the need for mass audiences. Streaming service appealed to subscribers by offering much more imaginative, challenging LGBTQ+ programs such as /Orange is the New Black/ and /Transparent/. They innovated more diverse and intersectional queer, nonbinary, and transgender characters, and allowed LGBTQ+ characters far greater character complexity. The documentary considers the importance of LGBTQ+ (and ally) writers, actors, and showrunners in producing more authentic and three-dimensional roles, and of audiences who demand satisfying narratives through social media. In an increasingly transnational media landscape, LGBTQ+ images traverse the world, further enriching our television landscape with complex and satisfying queer, transgender, and nonbinary images. The documentary considers these new television offerings in the light of the current backlash against LGBTQ+ civil rights in the US and elsewhere.



Transforming television

Intersecting identities

Beyond binaries

Complicated characters

Agents of change

Fans talk back

Complexity in context

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