Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] Vacancy for post-doctoral scholarship in environmental communication in Brazil

Fri Mar 01 16:56:58 GMT 2024

Vacancy for post-doctoral scholarship in environmental communication in Brazil

Doctors interested in applying must send an email to Thaís Brianezi ((tbrianezi /at/ <mailto:(tbrianezi /at/>) by March 15 (2024) with: 1)Curriculum summary of a maximum of 4 pages, following the Fapesp model: <>; 2)Letter explaining your interest in participating in the research and your adherence to it;

3)Copy of the PhD diploma.

Research project to which the scholarship is linked: How can educommunication expand and qualify climate education practices in basic education in Brazil? (granting from FAPESP 2023/08836-2)
Responsible researcher: Ismar de Oliveira Soares
Institution: School of Communication and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA/USP)
Duration: 24 months
Value: R$ 9.047,40

It is important to highlight that the person must be fluent in Portuguese and be able to work in a hybrid way (with face-to-face moments in Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Job description:
The research to which this scholarship is linked seeks to address the lack of knowledge held by most educators and students in Basic Education in Brazil regarding the climate emergency and how to mobilize to face it. It will be developed by the School of Communication and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA/USP) in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), and the Municipal Education Secretariat of Sao Paulo (SME-SP), together with a multidisciplinary team of researchers from other USP units (the Institute of Biosciences - IB, the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences - FFLHC, and the Institute for Advanced Studies IEA) and partner institutions (the National Natural Disaster Monitoring and Warning Center  - Cemaden, the National Institute for Space Research - Inpe, the National Articulation of Public Environmental Education Policies - Anppea and the Schools for the Climate Movement). The hypothesis to be tested in this research is that educommunicative practices contribute to the critical and creative appropriation of knowledge about the climate emergency by school communities, generating local action. The post-doctoral student will work on a) bibliographic review of the convergences of Brazilian public policies on environmental education and educommunication, seeking to evaluate how they deal with the tension between complexity and reduction, strategy and tactics, territorialization and virtuality, limits and acceleration; b) collection and analysis of data with educators on the perception of the climate emergency and pedagogical practices adopted; c) questionnaire and interviews with educators and educational managers participating in the hybrid course on climate education based on educommunication and comparative analysis of pre and post-training data.

Thank you again.

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