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[Commlist] Conference + Festival: Times In-Between 2024: Barriers, Borders, and Boundaries in Short Film Forms

Thu Feb 22 17:17:02 GMT 2024

We invite you to submit abstracts and/or short films!


*Conferenza + Festival*

July 10-13, 2024 – Gorizia, Italy <>


Event Title:

/Times In-Between 2024: Barriers, Borders, and Boundaries in Short Film Forms/

*Conference Theme:* “A Conversation about and beyond Barriers, Borders and Boundaries in Different Short Film Forms.”

*Short Film Festival Theme:* “Breaking the Boundaries, Borders and Barriers in Animation and Moving Images.”

*Dates: July 10-13, 2024*

*Location: Gorizia, Italy.*

The British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) SIG Essay Film, and the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) SIG Animation and Moving Images invite scholars, researchers, screenwriters, filmmakers, and artists to participate in the joint

Conference-Festival entitled: /Times In-Between: Barriers, Borders and Boundaries in Short Film Forms/,

to be held with the support and collaboration of the historical city of Gorizia (Italy), a symbol of the division created by the Iron Curtain in its Transalpina Square – once divided by a border between Italy and Yugoslavia (1947-1991). The Conference Organizer will organize a visit to the historical border and the nearby city of Nova Gorica (Slovenia).

This event aims to be a collaborative platform for exchanging insights, research findings, and opinions on the short film form in the fields of animation and moving images (fiction, essay film, and non-fiction) in all the classical and innovative short film forms.

The Short Film Festival Theme, “Breaking the Boundaries, Borders, and Barriers in Animation and Moving Images,” invites the submission of a short film (not longer than 12 minutes) with a particular category of super shorts (no longer than 4 minutes). The best shorts in each category will be awarded.

The three-day conference, “A Conversation about and Beyond Barriers, Borders and Boundaries in Different Short Film Forms,” encourages a broad exploration with a focus on Animation and Moving Images in PART ONE: “Animation and Moving Image: Short Film at the Borders”; and an emphasis on the short Essay Film Form in PART TWO: “Barrier, Borders and Boundaries in the Essay Film Form.”


For the Three-day Conference, we welcome submissions on a wide range of topics related to the short film form, including but not limited to the following:

PART 1: Animation and Moving Image: Short Film at the Borders

PART 2: Barriers, Borders, and Boundaries in the Essay Film

– The Essayistic in Animation.

– Barriers, Borders, and Boundaries in the Moving Image.

– Plurality of Forms and Meanings.

– Archives and the Moving Image.

– Acts of Rebellions in the Short Film Form.

– Storytelling through Alternative Short Film Forms.

– Collaborative Filmmaking.

– Intercultural Short Film Forms.

– Re-mediation and History of Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers.

– Juxtaposition of Narrative Strategies.

– Juxtaposition of Forms and Strategies.

– Italian and Yugoslav Short Film Forms.

– The Afterlife of Barriers, Borders and Boundaries.

– New Barriers, Borders and Boundaries.


/Papers Submissions/:

Traditional 20-Minute Papers:

– Proposals should include:

– Title

– Author’s name

– Affiliation (university, independent, practitioner, etc.)

– Contact details

– Abstract (max. 300 words)

– 5 Keywords

– Short bio (max 150 words) detailing your research activity, publications, and/or screenwriting practice.

/Pre-constituted Panels:/

– Proposals for pre-constituted panels can be submitted by any of the presenters or the panel chair.

– Panel proposals should include:

– Title of the panel

– A brief outline (max. 100 words) of the overall topic

– Abstracts of all the presentations (no more than three papers) following the above abstract guidelines.

/Short Films submissions/: only short films produced not before 2019 (max 5 years ago).

Short films (no longer than 12 minutes) or Super Short Films (no longer than 4 minutes).

Short Film submissions should include the following:

– Title

– Author’s name

– Affiliation (university, independent, practitioner, etc.)

– Contact details

– Abstract/Synopsis (max. 300 words)

– 5 Keywords

– Short bio (max 150 words) detailing your research activity, publications, and/or filmmaking practice.

All presentations will be delivered in person, in English.

*Submission Deadline*: March 20, 2024

*Notification of Acceptance: *By April 15, 2024

*Please send your proposals to the Conference Executive Organizer: *(bucanevis /at/

*For submission details and inquiries, please get in touch with us via the Conference Chair Dr Romana Turina: (rturina /at/*

We look forward to your contributions and short films to explore a challenging theme and shape new conversations!

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