Archive for 2024

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[Commlist] OBS* 2023 special issue: Platformization of News and Interactions: Regional Contexts of Crisis in Trust

Wed Jan 31 15:01:40 GMT 2024 <>

Special Issue (2023) Platformization of News and Interactions: Regional Contexts of Crisis in Trust

This OBS* Observatório Special Issue results from the EUMEPLAT Project (European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive and Negative Externalities for European Culture), funded by the Horizon 2020 SC6 – Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, and coordinated by Prof. Andrea Miconi (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione – IULM, Italy).


Cláudia Álvares, Associate Professor (with Habilitation), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, Lisboa, Portugal

Mehmet Ali Üzelgün, Research Fellow, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, Lisboa, Portugal

PUBLISHED: 2024-01-31

Special Issue Editorial: Platformisation of News and Interactions – Regional Contexts of Crisis in Trust <>
Claudia Alvares, Mehmet Ali Üzelgün

European narratives on social media platforms: the Italian case during the Covid-19 pandemic <>
Andrea Miconi , Sara Cannizzaro, Elisabetta Risi

Mapping Europeanization in the Greek online public sphere: Assessing the Europeanizing dynamics of social media <> Ioanna Archontaki, Achilleas Karadimitriou , Iliana Giannouli,Stylianos Papathanassopoulos

Taking Europe home: how political agents stand out in their approach to Europe on social media. <>
José Carlos Moreno, Sofia Ferro Santos, Rita Sepúlveda

Platform Spiritualities: Entrepreneurial Selves and Post-Feminist Sensibilities of Russian Influencers <>
Sabina Balishyan, Panos Kompatsiaris

“The sovereignty of the region and its wealth is what really is at stake” Amazon fires in Jair Bolsonaro’s discourse on Twitter <>
Laara Carneiro, Livino Neto, Juliana Lima, Gleice Luz

Datification of the wisdom of the crowd: a comparative analysis of innovation strategies in four European crowdfunding platforms <>
Caterina Foá

Platform economy and journalism: another side to the precarious labor environment in Brazil <>
Janara Nicoletti, Roseli Figaro

News platformization in Portugal: analysis of the dependence of the news media on social media and search engines <>
Fabrício Santos de Mattos

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