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[Commlist] CFP Quaderns del CAC issue 50 – Radio: memory, resilience and transformation

Wed Jan 17 14:01:58 GMT 2024

CFP Quaderns del CAC issue 50 – October 2024

Radio: memory, resilience and transformation

**Deadline: 27 May 2024**

You can send your texts via the OJS platform of Quaderns del CAC in RACO.


Quaderns del CAC is a n electronic scientific journal on audiovisual communication published by the Catalan Audiovisual Council. It is an annual journal published every October entirely in Catalan, Spanish and English.

The journal undertakes the correction and translation of the texts in the three languages.

Quaderns del CAC is a diamond open access journals with free access to their content and no article submission or processing charges to the authors.

Besides the monographic theme, the journal has the miscellaneous section "Articles", which is always open to receive articles and in which you can participate with texts on ongoing research on communication and audiovisual culture.


Monographic section issue 50. Radio: memory, resilience and transformation

This year marks the centenary of radio in Catalonia, and Quaderns del CAC wants to join in the commemoration. Thus, in the monographic section of issue 50, we would like to bring together theoretical and empirical works that help us to understand the past, to study the present and to look ahead to the future and the potential of radio around the world.

Radio Barcelona began broadcasting on 14 November 1924, with the first radio licence -under the EAJ-1 callsign- granted in Spain. It was the starting point for radio broadcasting in Catalonia. It was a private business initiative and, as Armand Balsebre (2001) explains, doomed to failure from the start for two reasons. First, because the cultural elite it was aimed at was not willing to assume the economic cost and, second because part of the Associació Nacional de Radiodifusió (ANR) defended the model of "mass consumption".

The ANR succeeded in implementing its proposal. One hundred years later, it is clear that this change was very successful. Radio is deeply rooted in the popular memory of many generations, and its social, political, cultural and economic weight is still relevant today, despite all the changes the communication sector has undergone over the last hundred years, not only the technological ones.

Radio is in good health. According to the latest wave of the Estudi General de Mitjans (General Media Study), its consumption and penetration remain at good levels. The population listens to the radio mainly through FM, but streaming and the consumption of new formats such as podcasts are on the rise. In Catalonia, around 4 million people listen to the radio, and 15% of the audience listens online. Radio in Catalonia moved an advertising volume of 48 million euros in Catalonia in 2022, according to the Associació Catalana de Ràdio.

Given this scenario, we are launching this call for papers to provide a picture as complete as possible of current studies that analyse radio from any perspective (production, circulation and reception).

This list exemplifies thematic lines and questions of interest for the monographic section of issue 50 of Quaderns del CAC:

- The value of the public radio sector. : What is the role of public radio stations? Are there differences between public and private radio? Do audiences perceive differences between public and private radio stations? What are the determining factors in the functioning of public radio? Why is it necessary to maintain a quality public radio service?

- Proximity radio. In 1982, Antoni Esteve wrote the article "Emissores municipals: la ràdio que es pot tocar" (Municipal radio stations: the radio you can touch). This title, despite its poetic nuance, has gained a lot of currency in the present day as a result of the globalisation processes that mark the future of the communications industry. The need for local information is unquestionable, but how is this demand being met? What kind of problems does the sector face?

- Disinformation. It has always been possible to classify radio programmes according to their political positioning or the editorial line of their schedules and content. Given current phenomena such as polarisation, it is particularly interesting to reflect on the role of radio in the problem of disinformation.

- Credibility. The radio has always enjoyed a high level of trust among citizens. A well-deserved recognition, due to its responsible informative activity at crucial historic moments. We remember, for example, the fundamental role of radio as a news medium during the attempted coup d'état of 23 February 1981. But the question now is whether this high level of credibility is maintained.

- Entertainment. What formats and contents define the current radio entertainment offer? What is the weight of humour? Is there a concern for children's audiences?

- Inclusive content. Does the current radio offer reflect the plural and diverse society we are living in? Which groups are given visibility? Do stereotypes persist? Are sports programmes made with a gender perspective?

- Specialised thematic offer. Music dominates thematic radio. What weight does the music industry have in these programmes? Is it possible to find spaces dedicated to alternative music outside the commercial circuits? Are there other potentially interesting specialisations? For example, is it possible to speak of a resurgence of religious radio stations?

- Non-profit radio. Spanish legislation regulates non-profit radio stations. Therefore, any study that helps us to design or think about the future of the third sector is welcome. What is the role of community radio stations now? What are the objectives of school radio?

- Audiences. What is, and how has the profile of listeners evolved according to the type of radio station? What consumptions appear with the expansion of the systems of circulation and reception of sound content? Can we continue to speak of a loyal audience (to radio stations, to content, to professionals)? How are audience measurement systems adapting to the digital context?

- Advertising investment, economic sustainability and radio business models. The expansion of digital resources is generating new forms of advertising and, in this context, we are interested in both works that analyse the economic sustainability of the medium and those that delve into creative trends. Will radio continue to be an attractive medium for advertisers? What business models are being implemented to guarantee the economic viability of radio in all its formats?

- Linguistic standardisation. Thanks to the high level of radio broadcasting in Catalan, the percentage of radio consumption in this language will reach 74.5% of the total in 2021 (Niqui and Segarra, 2023). Maria Corominas (2003) detected an important turning point between 1981 and 2002, a period in which the percentage of programming in Catalan rose from 19.3% to 50%. We are particularly interested in research that will help us to think about future language policies. What are the socio-demographic profiles that follow radio in Catalan? Do all radio genres have the same level of acceptance when they use Catalan?

- Creativity: new languages, formats and genres. What are the new radio formats? What topics are currently on offer in podcasts? What changes are taking place in radio language? Can we speak of a renaissance of radio fiction with new aesthetic sound resources?

- Do DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) broadcasts have a future? At the end of 2022, only 16 radio stations in Spain were operating from a single transmitter centre, the Collserola telecommunications tower in Barcelona (Niqui and Segarra, 2023). Against this background, what future is foreseen for the use of this technology, and how is this being resolved in Europe?

CFP References

- Associació Catalana de Ràdio (2023). Informe de la inversió publicitària de la ràdio a Catalunya 2007-2022.

- Balsebre, A. (2001). Historia de la radio en España. Volumen I (1874-1939). Ediciones Cátedra.

- Corominas, M. (2003). Llengua i comunicació radiofònica. In: J. M. Martí & B. Monclús (eds.). Actes del 2n. Congrés de la Ràdio a Catalunya. Barcelona, 24 i 25 de gener de 2003. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, p. 207-217.

- Esteve, A. (1982). Emissores municipals: la ràdio que es pot tocar. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, 5, 121-128.

- Niqui Espinosa, C. & Segarra Moreno, L. (2023). La ràdio. In: B. López; A. Huertas Bailén, L. Peres-Neto (eds.). Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya 2021-2022. Generalitat de Catalunya and Institut de la Comunicació (InCom-UAB), p. 83-107.

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