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[Commlist] New book: 'Participatory Journalism and Reader Comments in Croatia'

Fri Jan 05 17:26:51 GMT 2024

New book:
/Participatory Journalism and Reader Comments in Croatia/ (Lexington Books, 2024)

Tamara Kunić (University of Zagreb) <>

Online discussions in the form of readers' comments are a central part of many news sites and social media platforms. In this book, Tamara Kunić explores and interprets the ways in which digital technology has changed culture, media, and society. Kunić analyzes the impact of the Internet and convergence not only on the acquisition of new skills, but also on changes in the production and dissemination of content itself and the need to adapt to new times and the demands of a new audience—the active prosumer. With a comprehensive approach to the issue of participation in the media, Kunić examines the development of news sites and participatory journalism in Croatia from the perspective of editors and from the content of readers' comments. Scholars of journalism, communication, media studies, sociology, politics, and cultural studies will find this book of particular interest.




Chapter 1: Introduction

Part I: Participation

Chapter 2: Participatory Journalism

Chapter 3: Regulation of User Generated Content

Part II: Reader Comments

Chapter 4: Reader comments as part of participative journalism

Chapter 5: Communication in digital public sphere

Chapter 6: Reader Comments, Hate Speech and Hostility

Chapter 7: So… What to Do With Reader Comments?


About the Author


*Upozornění :*****

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